Aunt Heather typed up some hand written memoirs by her Great Great Grandmother about family history in the 1800s. I thought I'd post them here for internet availability. There are some text errors from conversion from pdf to text and Yola doesn't seem to want to let me upload the 17mp pdf. Email if you want a copy perhaps.



Diana Valentina Ashton 1814 - 1904

Diana Valentina was my Great Great Grandmother; she wrote notes of her childhood and family history for the benefit of her children and Grandchildren so they would have some knowledge of their family history. I have put these on modern record and added a few notes so that my own Grandchildren and future generations may aLso share this knowledge.

I have for a long time been fascinated by the story of how she took six of her children to Germany after the death of her husband, Charles Ashton, in 1862. In April 1863 Diana took them to Leipzig because it was cheaper to live there and education was also cheaper if not free. Her eldest daughter had spent three years at the Conservatorium of Music in Leipzig studying the piano but she returned to fngt*a in 1859 and didn't accompany the rest of the family to Germany. There is no record of links with Germany so we don't know what determined the choice of Leipzig.

Sadly Diana didn't write any account of her life in Lincoln after she married in 1837 or of their life in Durham when in 1844 Charles was appointed a Lay Clerk and Leading Tenor. The fact that she had tr,selve children and was probably busy keeping her house in &e "pink and pauem of cleanliness and neatness" during this time, may have meant she saw it as routine and possibly, to her, not worth recording. Four of the children died in infancy and the eldest died in 1861when a medical student. This left seven children between the ages of twenty and three years.

Leipzig had some similarities to the cathedraL cities of Lincoln and Durham in that there was a sffong tradition of church music and famous churches, notably the Thomaskirche. Leipzigwas a centre for musicians and the family were swiftly taken under the wing of Clara Schumann. Algernon and his family regularly attended her soirees.

Leipzig was also the cen&e of the German book oade as well as having three famous Great Fairs eu.h year. Gerrnany was going through the Industrial Revolution and there was a big development of the railways. The population was growing at the time, in 1850 the population of Leipzig was estimated at 63,000 and in L870/7L it was 107,000.

There is a little information in Algemon Ashton's books about the family on their returo to England in 1882. This is as follows:

A Little Biographical Material March 7e 1906


It is very good of you to have given such prominence to the letter wherein I stated that Torsten Petre {a certain Scandinavian amateur composer) is &e stepson of one of my sisters. I should not have toubled you with another epistle, had you not expressed uncertainly as to whether this sister was the same one who "discovered how the Shaw moon borrowed light from the Ashton sun"; so I may as well tell you that this sister is not identical wittt the other. Altogether, I have five sisters still living - three in London, one in Berlin, and one in Stockhokn. My two brothers died nearly half a century agCI.

Yours very faithfully. AlgemonAshton

Sisters: Madeline Petre Rosa Tyson Olivia l<ilhler Lucy Wolff Florence Westerberg Brothers: Charies Ellwood and Duncan CooperAshton

From Algernon Ashton 1903

..Some eleven years ago (1892) My Mother (who is still l1"i"g at theage-of dose on ninety) was

passing a very touerin!, decrepit old crossing t*..p.t, who appeared to be at least eighty years of

ige, when she asked him "Hovr old are you?"

*bh. I'm a great age; I'm sixty-seven" came the reply'
.,Sixty-seven!,, my lVlother exclaimed with consid"i"utu surprise: "why that's nothing' Look at me

I'm seventy-eight!'

Letter from Dr. Robert Papperits Leipzig December 14d'1BgB

..I am glad to hear of the good health of your mother; please convey to her my heartiest wishes for the coming Year 1899"

AlgernonAshton April 2'd 1903

"My own mottter, bom on February !4e LllL,has lived in five reigns and is 5ff1 alive'" (Note ,My mother DianaYalentinaAshton, passed away onAugust 9e 1904')

AlgernonAshton September L4L902

Norwood Cemetery
DearVanity (VamtY Fair Editor)

Hitherto I have from time to time deemed it to be my duty to call public attention to certain neglected graves of famous personages, and in nearly every case my complaints have had the

desired effect,......
This time, however, it is not a single grave I have to complain about, but a whole cemetery namely'

that at Norwood. This beautifully situated God's Acre hai for some time past been in a surprisingly shocking condition, many of the headstones being quite crooked, others lying broken on the ground' whilst the grass is allowed to grow wild. This trriydeplorable state of things is all the more painful to me, ,, fror*ood Cemetery"contains the resting-places of my father, gtT$qtter' an aunt' an uncle, and a brother (Now iso of my mother and another aunt) who are all buried in a family grave which is, naturally, kept in the most perfect order possible. Other tombs at Norwood, notably those of the Greek.o**gfiry are of so costly and magniticent a descnption as to be well worth a visit to the cemetery. It is thereiore, exuemely desirable-that the whole of Norwood cemetery be decently

and properly kept. All other London graveyalds are tolerably well looked after; why then, should Norwood Cemetery be the one exception?

Heather M Rutt MaY 2016

This is a copy of family reeords written by my rnother Diana Yalentina Ashton in the year 18S8.
These notes were written out by her daughter
Olivia Caroline f#trrcr nee Ashton in the 1930s

I have often been requested by my children, especially by Madeline and also by nry nephew John \{est to note down some account of our family as they believe I am the only member remaining, who can remember, or had the opportunity of leaming many events, circumstances, anecdotes etc. related by my Mother, Grandmother or others concerning their respective family histories, and which my children deske to have recorded, so that the next generation, chiefly my own Grandchildren, born or living abroad may not remain in total ignorance as to their "English" progenitors and cf the families from whom they are descended.

In the next pages I \^rill try to do so, the details will necessarily be very disconnected.

My Grandfather, Captain Timothy West, was the 2od son of Richard West Esq. of South Reston Ha1l, near South Lincolnshire. He was an officer in theArmy. I don't know in what year he was born but he served in the early wars in India, at the time when the East Indian Company were pushing &eir conquests; he was at the siege of Seringapatam (1799) and was present at the captme of that forffess and the surrender of Tippoo Sultan.

( Tipu Sahib L750-L799 "Tiger of Mysore" kil1ed 4May 1799by the British at the battle of Seringapatam.)

Through the hardships he had endured in those campaigns and as I have heard *through standing in trenches deep in watef he lost the use of his lower limbs and was invalided and returned home on a pension. He married Rebecca Tyson, the daughter cf the Reverend Leonard Tyson, Vicar of Fulstowe near Louth.

I believe that for a few years they went to live at a counffy place near Wiagby, where the Captain rranaged a farm. I have heard my Father speaking of living at that place when a bcy. I think he was born at Minting.

My Grandmother related to me that when she was married at Fulstowe by her Father, the Vicar, the bridegroom had to be carried into the church because of his lameness! He was however, a very handsome man and she was a very pretfy woman of 20 years of age.

Afrer quiting Minting and giving up farming, my Grandfather bought a good house in James Street, Louth and died at the age of 74. His wife survived him many years and was 90 when she died in the same house.

Timothy and Rebecca West had tweive children, six sons and six daughters. My Grandmother frequently spoke of them to me and said "her sons were all handsome and her daughters beautiful!" I only remember to have seen three or four of them, for they all left Louth, and several of them died in their youth.

The following are the names of the children in the order of their birth:

  1. Edga:

  2. Stephen Tyson

  3. Olivia

  4. Timothy

  5. William

  6. Clara

7. Henry 8. Matilda 9. Sabina 1"0. Rebecca

L1. Richard L2. Anna Ma:ia

Edgar was a fine artist, especially in miniatures. He painted in his later years chiefly anatomical sub;ucts for which he was famous. He was upwards of 90 when he died-

My Father Tyson West was the 2nd son. He was a surgeon and was ccnsidered eminent in his profession. H" -rur proud of having studied in London under the great John Hunter and after completing his studies was far a time assistant to a Mr. Hayes of Hull, for whom he always .rrt"rtuir"J a feeling of respect and gratitude for having treated him so well when he had a dangerous illaess, typhus in his house'

He returned to Louth intending to settle there. He became attracted by the beauty of Miss Diana Uvedale afterwards his wife, whose hand he only secured after many extraordinary schemes and subterfuges, the details of some of which my Grandmother related to me. The fact was &at Tyson West could not effect an introduction into the family of Mrs. Uvedale without great difficulty.

Mrs. Uvedale was the widow of Dr. Robert Uvedale, late Rector of Langton and Vicar of Enfield, and was herself the daughter of Bennet Langton Esq. of Langton and the sister of the well }nor,vn a,,d famous Bennet Lan-gton, the friend of Dr. Johnson, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Oliver Goldsmith and all the eminent men belonging to the celebrated society of whom Boswell (wrotd in his Life of Dr- Samuel Johnson. tvtrs Uvedale had come to reside at Louth with her two sons, the Revered Robert and the Reverend Washbourne Uvedale and her four daughters, after quitting Langton Hall in which my Grandfather, Dr. Uvedale resided when the Langtons were absent.

Mrs. Uvedale was a very proud and stately lady and was an invalid and had a much reduced income after the death of her husband. However young Tyson West would not be regarded as a suitable match for her daughter and he tried many plans to attract her attention and at last succeeded by the following strange freak. I must first say that he was a very fine young man. He must when young have bee-n extremely handsome and fascinating for my recollection of my Father was that of a perfectly featured fice of the Roman type; high open forehead, handsome aquiline nose, eyes blue as deep violets and a small fine mouttrwith teeth white aad perfect tc the last. He had abundance of browncurly hair and was as manly as he was handsome. No wonder that when once he caught &e attention of Miss Diana Uvedale, she fell in love with him-

This is how he managed to pick up an acquaintance with the proud family. On a very rainy day, the streets like rivers, therain pouring in torrents he began to march slowly up and down the quiet sfteet, past the windows of Urc. Uvedale's house, without an umbrella, without an overcoat and bareheadedl My Mother \dils not the first to wonder at the proceedings of the strange youlg man. Charlotte, her eldest sister observed him, and with great surprise called the attention of the other sisters to this inexphcabte conduct and sent out a servant at last to enquire what he was doing- After that, having succeeded in drawing the observation of the family upon himself, he managed to obtain an introduction through one of his sisters-

I never heard from my Mother any particulars of her engagement to my Father, but have often heard curious details from my Crandmother Wes! who assisted her son Tyson in numerous extraordinary manoeuwes to succeed in obtaining the hand of Miss Uvedale.

My Grandmother uvedale only at last consented to the marriage of her daughter because she was grea*y shocked and alarmed at an anempt at suicidf on the part of Tysol We-1t;_but the whole affair iuas cieverly a piece of acting. Mrs. uvedale was afterwards on terms of cordiality with him and had a high opinion of his professional skill-

My Father and Mother were manied at Louth in St. Mary's Church he being settled at Louth as a ,*g.o1 in good practice. I believe they were about the same age 25 and were married about the y.u? raos. i.emember my Mother relate that on the wedding day, they drove in a "Post Chaise" to Seremby together with her sister Charlone (afterwards Mrs. Mitcheil) to spend a few days at the house of her brother Washboume Uvedale who at that time was &e Curate at Seremby and lived in the parsonage house, which is still there. He held that curacy for the Revered Henry Brackenbury to *ho* Ae Uving belonged, but who was not ready to take possession of it.

My Uncle was also Curate o{ Gunby a village 2 or 3 miles off, where for a short time afterwards he ."iid.d, but finatly returned to his favourite village seremby, where he had purchased a pretty

cottage',surrounded by charming gardens and fieids behind and before his house- He lived like a hermit almost ana employea niis-ert in his gardens and fields. on the side of his paddock, in one of his cottages (he had O-or 4 lived Mrs. Ironmonger and her husbard, who filled the post of manservant, cook and housekeeper severally for many yearc'

My Uncle lived in his house alone and Mrs. Ironmonger used to come to his house which was close Uy to get his breakfast ready early on the morning; clean up his parlour, stud-Y etc' She was an excellent cook and dld a;1 in her own conage. I have the most pleasant recollections of staying with my Uncle on visits when I was a very little girl and used to stay at Seremby with nny Aunt Mitchell, rvho lived with her brother for a time when vt tvtit.hutt was on his travels. She had no children and liked to have one with her. It was after Mr. Mitchell died, and my Aunt also a few years later, that

my Uncle Washbourne lived the solitary life I have mentioaed; but he did not objea to let me and my sister Aurelia stay a week or two at a time with him, when we begged of him to have us, but we always slept at Mrs. ironmonger's cottage. That was a plpasant time of my life! I loved to stay at Seremby! The beautiful gardJn fulI of fruit ana flowers, &e library, &e bookslocked up in the taII bookcaies and given out ody on request to (be) delivered up again when read- They were curious aad precious Uoot<s. How I used to sit and readl rhe old 9 volume edition of Shakespeare's plays I reaithrough and through before I was 11- years old. Olivia has them now; re-bound'

Well! I have wandered away from my Father and Mother and their simple honeymoon at quiet Serernby in which churchyard my excellent and revered Uncle Washbourne Uvedale lies interred. He died on the 1" of February ra* of diabetes after an itness only lanown to our family of 2 weeks. He was a good and kind benefactor to us. He was the sole keeper for years of his sister, my Mother in the increasing troubies and difficulties of her married life, and in short had it not been for his unselfishness and uitiring generosity to her and her six children we must have remained without education and often in great i*a *a ,tr"rr, because of my Farther's &oughtless extravagances and in his later life, neglect of his professional employment'

But I am losing the thread of my narrative altogether and must return tc the life of ttre family at Louth after my Mother's marriage.

As I said my Father was in practice there and fu that town were born my two brothers, Robert Uvedale West and Washbourne West. For some cause my Father left Louth. I think he purchased a fine practice at Gainsborough in Lincolnshire where he was for a year r,rrith a Mr. Hanley, who left him to conduct the business alone. There a daughter, Diana Langton was born and died when only a few months old and then I was born in 1814 on St. Valentine's Day and was named after my Mother, Diana Valentina. I may mention as a curious thing, that for several generations we have
had the name of Diana in the family. The fust bcrn "Diana" had died in infancy, and a second child has then been baptised by that name thus my Mother was the 2'd Diana of her Mother and I and the 2"d Diana of my Mother. I have also had 2 Dianas viz. Agnes Diana, who died at Louth and was buried at Fotherby; and Diana Uvedale who married Louis Haab in 1870 and died in New York in

L872. So we look upon the name as unlucky and only one of my daughters, Rosa has called a child of hers by that name. It was first introduced into our family by the marriage of Bennet Langton, before mentioned, with Diana Tumor, daughter of Sir Edward Tumor of Stoke Rochford, Lincotnshire. Since that time the name has been kept up not only in my branch of &e family, but also in that of my late brother Dr. Robert Uvedale West, who had a daughter and a Granddaughter of that name.

To retun. My Father was obliged to dispose of his practice at Gainsborough, which he did to good advantage to a Mr. Hanson. He left because he got into difficulties by becoming security to a censiderable amount for some friend or acquaintance He had iust received my Mother's share of what had been a very large fortune, left by Mrs. Diana Langton, (Mrs. Uvedale's Mother) whieh had been thrown into Chancery by the two disputing sons-in-law of Mrs. Langton, viz. the Reverend Dr Uvedale and the Reverend William Brackenbury who had married the 2 daughters Diana and Juliet, daughters of Bennet Langton. After years and years of litigation, during which time Dr. Uvedale and Mrs. Uvedale had died, the property formally f80,000 terribly dirninished was adjudged to be equally divided between the chitdren of Dr. Uvedale and Mr. Brackenbury. There were 6 drildren of each of the sons-in-law. I have heard but cannot remember how much the share of each amounted to and only know that it was shortly before I was born that my Mother went up to London to receive her share, which my Father rapidly made ducks and drakes of! not only spending it and losing it in the downfall and bankruptcy of his friend Whitaker but being obliged to sell his practice which had become so much finer and more lucrative than under Mr. Hanbury. So much have I heard from my poor Mother whose trials and touble began from that time. Then my Father quitied Gainsborough and took a small practiee at the small town, Burgh in Lineolnshire, where the third daughter

Viooria was born.

This was a disastrous move and only a year after, the family removed to Alford, a small town where my second Uncle, of whom I have not yet spoken much, the Reverend Robert Uvedale had purchased a considerable property, a house and premises, paddock stables and gardens, which had previously been occupied by a medical man. In these premises was my Father lacated.

My earliest recollections are {rom ttris time, or at least of a few years later. We had an excellent large house, very old fashioned and according to popular ideas terribly haunted. As a child I used to hear so much of all these ghosts and visitations, that it was hardly possible not to be superstitious. We lived 17 years atAlford my remaining 3 sisters were bom here:

Aurelia Rebecca
Jessie Langton Caroline de Brunswick

Nov 14e 1B1B May L8tr 1820 July 1821


The latter, beiag born about the time of the immense excitement caused by the trial of Queen Ca:oline, wfe of George 1y to my Father being a hot "Queen's man" had the child baptised by this

absurd name.

My early recollections of the life at Alford, when my Father had a very extensive practice and was i" t igfr ieputation as a skilful operator and accoucheur were quite enjoyable. We had 2 or 3 maid servants and a very faithful man servant "old Tom".

My Father dashed abcut a good deal, drove a fine tandem with a couple of horses called "Jack" and ..iill. and was greatly devited to shooting game at a time when the game laws were very silict and owners of land r.rru.* in &e prosecution of pe..o*, who had no actual right or licence to shoot- My Fa&er was what is ca]led a dead shot, and I remember he used to go out shooting on Miles Cross Hill wittr his man to carry home the game and so successful was he that once he desired Tom to bring into the parlour the day's booty for my Mother tosee, before he sent off the hares, partridges etc. io his patients. I recollect they lay in a line across the length of &e room!

The consequences of &is i*ordinate love of shooting and his determinatioE to set at defiance 2 or 3 of the country gentlemen "Dashwood" of Well Hall and "Dodson" of Clasby etc. got him into no end of difficulties and expenses besides makrn-g enemies of persons in power,_for these two gentlemen were magisftates and took upon themselves authority there was nobody to oppose_ iruch as it might be"questioned. Besides this, my Father began to neglect his practice and offended many friends is well as opponents by sarcastic verses and even caricatures which, I believe were often very clever and hit &e nail on the head in a style that afforded intense amusement and satisfaction to those whom they did not concern, but created for himself many open biuer enemies.

The horxe we lived in, belonged to my Mother's brother the Reverend Robert Uvedale, who generously allowed my Fa&er to accupy all those premises free of rent. As I said before, we had Jtables large paddock and gardens. My Father was fond of gardening ary I y"[ remember him at the time I was 6 or 7 yearsild, working and planting in the garden. We hadquantities of fruit- Fine espalier apple trees on the side of every walk, walnut trees on the side of the long paddock, summer houses, Z or Sbut especially our garden was famous for a so-called "Hermitage" which with assistance of carpenier, *d plasierers, my Father himself designed and constructed. There is still an otd .'pigeon cote" standing at the end of what is now a paddock dose to the "BeclC' (a then pellucid sf,eam of water) *d tt " wall of that building served for the back of the Hermitage. The mortared walls were thickly and entirely fuIl of seashells, coloured pebbles ete- fetched from &e

shore at Sutton.

I just remember helping to pick up shells for the Hermitage, Inside the plastered walls were painted drab colours ana with hir o*o hands my Father designed the panels for the Lord's Frayer, the Creed, the ten commandrnents and other religious sentences. The lettering was in black paint and beautifully done. Also on one side was a painted tablet to the memory of his first daughter "Diana Langton,,, the infant who died at Gainsborough, and also to the beloved memory of 'qy'ictoria" a ,"ry}roo*ite child of my parents who died at the age of 7 years and was buried at the end of the oldchurchyard atAlford, where the flat gJave stone with a remarkable Latin inscription sti1l lies. Besides these arrangements, there were *riorrs rural seats as chairs, and a table "coffin shaped" and covered \^rith black and nailed all round with white metal coffin trimmings. On each side of the table stood a couple of stange and awe inspiring skeletons which frightened beholders very much at fkst, especially our school companions, for we children were so used to see skulls and skeletons, that we rather enjoyed the terror of strangers. One tall case with a glass door, contained a fine and

perfect skeleton, as wtrite as snow. It had been prepared and "articulated" by my Father himself and was the skeleton of a man who was executed at Nottingham for the murder of his wife. The ilame of the man and particulars of the crime were pasted on the inside. On the other side of the table stood a coffin upright, with the initials of my Father himself; but he had the coffin made intending to make a skeleton of an old noted character atAlford "Tinker Wood" who had begged him to buy his body! I recollected hearing a guest laughing at the joke, that the price the old tinker demanded was reduced, because, he having a wooden leg, would not make a perfect skeleton'

I mention &ese things because it will give some idea, though cnty faintlS what a strange and peculiar man my Father was. The empty coffin had shelves in it and specimens of dissections of various kinds were deposited on them. From the ceiling was suspended a right arm and hand, the flesh and muscles -er" ,ll there, the tissues with a red sealing wax sort of substance. In the hand was an hourglass , and when one sat and read in the Hermitage, which I used to do for hours when I was older, one could turn the hourglass and so lcrow how tirne sped en. In front of the Hermitage were prefty flowerbeds and a carved stone pinnade from some neighbouring old church had been utilized as a monument and lettered with an inscription to my sister Victoria. It lMas a nice place, a lcvely garden; as long as my Father kept to his gardening and such amusements all went well-

Of course I don't remember or know the acrual cause of the gradual decline of prospects in Alford. A1l this time my two brothers Robert andWashbourne were attending the Grammar School at Atford an excellent school founded either by Queen Elizabeth or Edward IV. They were both models of industry and perseverance of two very different tastes and temperaments, good friends and much attached to each other. Robert early showed his inclination for the medical profession, while Washbowne as distinctiy aimed for the Church. I have a vivid recollection of Washbourne preaching in the backyard mounted on a cut corner of a haystack, in a black go\,fi] made by my Mother for him. I acting as clerk, but could not read, and getting into disgrace by saying "Amen" in the wrong place. There is a woman atAlford now (1885) whcse name was Milly Brown who told me last ,,rm*". that she was one of the congregation at this preaching and that Washbourne had given them apples, to induce them to listen, and when they had eaten them, they ran away which so hurt his feelings that he cried!

My brother Robert Uvedale had a $eat liking for the study of modern languages, to which he devoted most of his spare time after quiting the Grammar School at about 17 years of age, when he was regularly apprenticed to his Father and had great advantages in seeing a good deal of practice and assisting in "*"s of surgery. Robert was also fond of literary pursuits and was one of a small parry of yorths, who much enamoured of poetry, used to assemble in our Hermitage to consult over and show their several poems and other tales. Of these youths, Edward Lenton, a youthful clerk in a lawyer's office was decidedly talented. He died at the age of L4 of consumption. Avolume of poetry and prose, combined productions of my brothers Robert and Edward Lenton was published-

The Spanish language was the first eagerly studied and Robert (was) proficient in that, as well as in Latin, French and afterwards German. In fact in the latter years of his life he was sufficiently acquainted with many of the continental languages to translate for the shipwrecked captains and rui]og who were cast ashore on the coast rear which he lived the most part of his life.

By the time that arrived when Robert must study in London, affairs had got sruch worse with my Fither's profession, and funds for Robert's studies were only very scantily forthcoming and he bravely eked o,rt his resources by translating into English, the numbers, as they appeared of a French Medical Dictionary, as wel1as reported the lectures of SirAshley Cooper, by the express

permission of the great $Irgeon himself, who expressed his satisfaction at the correcsress and exce*ence of his reports.

On completiag hls studies in London, he went to Paris for further improvement and acquired there a fluency in speaking French and a wide acquaintance with many eminent persons, introduced to him by a French gentleman with whom he had resided in London and with whom he formed a friendship that lasted to the end of his life. This friend was Monsieur Alexandre Louis de Rouway.

During &e time Robert was in London, his brotherWashbourne was already at Oxford and if &e funds were difficult to obtain for Robert, they were equally so for Washbourne as any assistance from my Father's side, was out of the question. My excellent Uncle Washbourne Uvedale, had been continually and on all occasions appealed to my my poor Mother in her various troubles and disftess caused by &e increasing negtrect of his profession by my Father as well as his growing intemperance. About these times, I well remember the consultations and councils we held as to what was to be done for funds to meet the expenses of University eduction for Washbourne now fuIly prepared to enter upon these studies.

My good Uncle Washbourne was quite ready to do all in his power; but he was not rich and had only shortly before received the nomination to two small livings of Hixwold and Kir:moad in Lincolnshire which had been presented to him by his relative Christopher Tumor Esq. Of Stoke Rochford. He was a grandson of Mrs. Langton whose Will was disputed by her two sons-in-law. This Mr. Turnor was immenseiy rich and had just come into an estate of 130,000 a year; so i.t was proposed that my Mother should go to him, state the case and ask his assistance. What an event that was! And what a journey in those days!

Stoke Rochfcrd is a few miles from Grantham. The journey was managed wittt difficulty there being no direct route or conveyance. The errand too was a difficult one, to introduce herself to
Mr. Tumor, or even to obtain access to him. However she went to Grantham, had a lodging there and ascertained, luckily, that Mr. John Turnor, the Uncle of young Christopher Turnor was visitlng him. So she applied to him by letter and he called on her at Grantham and interested himself so much as to promise his own and his nephew's help. So my Mother came back in high spi.rits and we waited for the promised intelligence as to the extent of the help of the Turnor family to their poor relatives.

The letter came on a Sunday morning and my Mother would not open it until Monday! Everybody was dying with suspense and aaxiety but she said we must learn to curb our impatience! Next morning we found the Mr. John Turnor and his nephew agreed to allow !200 for Washbourne's College expenses, upon which intelligence rny Uncle Washbourne at once took upon himself to defray the rest. So these difficulties were considerably smoothed especially as my brother Wbshbourne obtained a Scholarship at Lincoln College, Oxford for three years which plaeed him for the time in an easy position.

As for me, I had hardly been to school, except as a little child till B or 9 years of age, when my old schoolmisuess dying suddenly, the school broke up and there was no ather for several years; but at last it became desperate and it was solved that "Di" must be sent to school so at nearly 1-4 years of age I was to my great delight entered at Miss Langhorne's Ladies Schoof also at the eost of my generous Uncle Washbourne.

I learnt there the usual accomplishments of the period: music, French, drawing etc. etc. and considering the very superficial style of teaching at that time, I got on so well that I was quickly at

the head of the school.


As I said at the beginning of &is narrative, I had read a great deal; although I had not beer to school rructr. I had had the run of a good tibrary both at home and at Seremby and I read everyrhing I could get hold of but believe I was interested in most things and besides my memory was excellent. {It is now and I am 74 andremember what I read then.)

I have hitherto said hardly anything about my Uncle Robert Uvedale, or as we always called him *the Yicat''. He was the elder brother of my Mother and was in fact the last of his name for he reyer married, remaining like his brother Washbourne.

This family of Uvedale is a very ancient and distinguished one; there have been many important personages amoflgst our ancestors and the Pedigree of uvedale of Horton (see British Museum) ieaches back to the reign of Edward III when Peter de Uvedale, Lord Uvedale, held high office under that King.

I cannot here mention particulars, because you Madeline have the Pedigree copied in full by yourself with Coat of Arms and crest, as also notices copied from the Pedigree of the various members of this ancient and honourable family who bear a shield of arms, a Crusader's Cross, the "Uvedale Cross" especially so designated in Heraldry. Those of the family who want to know and understand the whoie Pedigree, must obtain a copy to see how it has been brought down to the present descendants which are actually the descendants of my Mother Mrs. Diana West, born Uvedale, who was the onty one of the six children of Dr. Robert Uvedale and Dian4 his wife- To make it more clear, I may as well explain it here.

The six children of Mr and Mrs Uvedale were as follows:
Robert Uvedale, Vicar of Fotherby and Hogsthorpe, Lincolnshire Washbourne Uvedale, Yicar of Hixwold Kirby and Markly, Lincs Charloue married John Mitchell of London, no children
Diana married Tyson West, surgeon, 6 children
Sophia married John Taylor, sclicitor of London, no children

My Uncle, the Vicar, resided for many years with my Grandfather and Grandmother West at their house in James Street, Louth. W'e used to go over to Fotherby every Saturday and stay till Monday or Tuesday and in my young days I used to like exceedingly to stay with him in the charming farmhouse of Mrs Moses where he had lodgings for the purpose of the weekly journey to preach at his church at Fortherby. Jolly times I thought it to get away from the disturbances at hofrle, to stay a couple of weeks at the farm or at Grandmother West's. This Uncle was a very different man from his bro&er and we children used to &ink it very difficult to get anything in the way of little sums af money out of "IJncle the Vicar" and thought he was mean etc. but I am sure he was not. He rivas most good natured with us all, and although he would resist the begging of a uifle for this and that, he always relented at last. So none of us were afraid of the Vicar."

He tiked very much to come over to Alford and stay a week at a time wittr us. It really was a wonder ttrat he found it agreeable to come to see our poor Mother considering the constant troubles and difficulties she had to endure, and the continual applications to him for help in various ways.

Somehow we dared things with 'the Vicat''which we never dreamt of venturing with silent grave Uncle Washbourne. I mean in talking to him and begging of him etc. etc. He was most good tempered with "the bairns" and I &ink now that he must really have liked children.

There was another reason why he like Alford and that was a sort of attachment to my Father, partly of account of the high opinion he had of his professional abilities and the continual liking for consulting him professionally; for he was constantly taking medicine, and when I, after my brothers had goneio Oxiord and London, took to assisting my Father in ttre sugery which I liked very *u.h to do. I derived quite a little revenue from the "tonic mixtures" which my Uncle liked to swallow to which to the advantage of my limited income he paid me handsome$ for.

The Vicar used to go to Seremby visiting his brother Washbourne and it used to be an understood thing that as my Uncte Washbourne helped my brother at Oxford, so the Vicar should do the same for his nephewRobert in London, but I don't think be actually did help with much money.

About the period of the respective studies of my two brothers from home, we had a dreadful outbreak oi typhus fever inour family. My Mother was the last ill and dreadfully bad we all were in every case. Ii iasted nine months before &e terrible rlisease disappeared. I was the first and &e last for ihad it Wice I am sure that six weeks of my existence remained a blot on my memory. Every singie person had symptoms different in character. Robert was dangerously ill and could not return to iondon after the long vacation and only ldashbourne escaped entirely. He had kept apafi in his own room to get off to Oxford safelY.

Our house was like a hospital and my Father made his rounds in the morning with a Rurse and no other soul came near the house. My sister Jessie had all but died. My Mother thought the infection was produced by the close proximity to the crowded churchyard, exactly opposite our house. Very likely that was the cause; but we all recovered-

During the time that Robert was ill, he made a confidant of rne as to a love affair with a yaung lady and at his desire, I wrote to her in his name. The girl was Jane Soulby, afterwards his wife. She wasof agoodfanilyandgranddaughterof Mr. Soulbyof Ashbpamanof fortuneaboutthere,but was an o[fr* with two siiters and a brother who had all been brought up by an Uncle who was a surge0n at spilsby.

Jane Soulby was a beautiful girl but had little education and a delicate constitution. My brother was really deeply enamoured of her and in fact broke off entirely a rather long engagement with the daughter of a clergyman inAlford to the entire disruption of our friendship with that family-

At this period however there was little probability of the engagement being brought to an issue; for Robefi was not yet finished with his hospital studies and had stillto seek a place for an attempt to found for himseif. During the time my brothers were severally engaged in the prosecution of their studies, a heavy misfornrne befell us in &e unexpected illness and death of our benevolenq good Uncle Wahbourne Uvedale. He died as I have said at Seremby on Feb 1-" 1833 to our great grief and sorrow. He left a short will on sheet of notepaper, written by himsetf leaving the whole of his property to my Mother to be equally divided at her death between her six children. He also gave Lr.i oi.rr a legacy of f50 to be paid to us when of age for a little assistance in what we might be doing. My legicy helped me afterwards to buy an outfit when I resolved to take a situation as governess.

This small properfy of my Uncle's which was about f3000, I think was the Seremby house and fields and it was not long after the acquisition of this small income that my Father's conduct


became so unendurable and his neglect of his practice so alamring &at many a consultation and council was holden amongst thoseiapable of forrring some opinion as was best to be done, for not only did my Father neglea his patienis that only compulsion would make him visit, but eve* the daybook that I myself-t<ept of his visits and medicines after my brothers had left home he found *d d.rt oyed. For a whoie year was no record of the records remaining. I ought to say that I had assisted him in the surgery ifter Robert had left, to make up medicines of all kinds myself. I went with my Father to visit many patients and was even present at several operations.

At last it was resolved to quitAlford to give up our house and go into a coungy place so that my Father might be forced to Lreak off his bid acquaintances of various kinds and be obliged to content himself with moderate living. It was hoped to check his intemperance which had increased to a degree that rendered our lives wretched and my poor, submissive Mother a marfyr.

However the resolve to leave Alford, where we had at least the advantage of free premises, met with various obstacles. My Uncle "the Vicaf'was opposed to the plan, partty because he liked to come over for the weekly visits and partly because in Jpite of the increasing miscoaduct of my Father he partially shielded,if not defended him. Some time or other, it appears that in a serious illness, my Father had so successfully attended to him, that he was under the impression that his life had been absolutely preserved by my Father's skill, and on this account he never would forsake him.. This was a very- amiable trait in the character of my good old Uncle *the Vicat''

who certainly did his share in the assistance thaiwas rendered to my Father and Mother, in as much as he was often the means of rescuing our family from impending difficulties.

So the removal from Alford was put off from time to time as matters became alternately brighter of more gloomy.

Robert finished his studies in London and Paris and returned to A]ford and it was detenrrined he should try to obtain a practice for himself at a village 5 or 6 miles fromAlford called Hogsthorpe, of which my Uncle Robert Uvedale was "tfre Vicar." There was room enough for a dcctor as there was only, a hir. Wright who had made a fornme there, it was said. Mr brother went there and soon gaining .o** pitiunts, he left his lodgings and took a nice house which was furnished for him iri"ny Uy the-contents of my poor Uncle's coffage at Seremby. I gtadly went to keep his house and maae everyttring nice and tidy by my own industry. I had a little maid of 14 years, a neat, industrioui girl, such as are not now to be got, and here before detailing further anyttring s; the life at Hogsthorpe, I must relate that after leaving school at 1-6 years of age I worked for my Mo&er in the wly of needlework with the most industrious perseverance. I made the underlinen of the whole

family. I learnt to cut out and sew shirts not only for my brothers and Father but also did the same workior both my Uncles. My excessive industry was greatly stimulated !f tf,. payment I received' And here I may Lbr"*. that *ris plan of paying young girls for the work they do in the family proved * .".uu"rt one, for I leamt to makl evel dresses and in short everything that was required'

I saved my money for I had a cherished object {rom the commencement; it was to spend a month or so in London with my brottrer Robert befoie he should finally leave. To see T,ondon in those days was the height and sgmmit of young ladies, be it remembered in those days of the early pafi of the 1ge centuryf railways **t" *i,rro*n and there was no means of travelling except by stage coach

or carrier's wagons.

When my brothers severally had to travel to London and Oxford, it was necessary to "bespeak" a place in the mail coach from Grimsby to London for a full fortnight beforehand and my brother Washbourne had to travel by way of London to Oxford! To London then I wanted to go. I worked


my fingers nearly to the bone to eam the money for this purpose; but as "Btrnls" says "the wisest*"r of mouse and man gang aft astay." I *ever went! The illness &at afflieted us all, typhus fever, which I have already menticned, intervered. My brother Robert recovered and went to London, passed his examinations and returned whilst I, the last of the sick, was still an invalid.

My money however was still intact and what did I spend it on? A piano! I couldn't go and live with *y b*th*r in &e dull, lonely place without an instrument, for I was extremely fond of music. I could play, but especially sing, and much enjoyment I had in the midst of &e wretchedness at home through the pleasant musical parties inAlfard at the houses of relations of my Father's the Wests, at the house of the Revered and Mrs. Lister whose charming daughters were my half cousins.

\4re had weekly meetings for glee singing etc. etc. and several persons also in the town of Alford were very *,riical and we had a number of very agreeable musical associates. It was &erefore not to be *rought of that I could dispense with a piano, or my sister, who by this time could play nicely. So I went *iA *y Mother and *the Vicar'to Boston, Lincohshire, for the great occasion cf the purchase of the piano. I well remember all about the journey; but it was a journey then! It was on the 14fr February, my birrhday, St. Valentine's Day! When my piano was purchased - a second hand square, which cost f20. I was 1-7 years old that day and my Uncle let me order the dinner at the hotel in the Market Place. I (saw the) sign: "The PeacoclC'but the dinner \ a curious one- A brace of roast pheasants, bread sauce, plum pudding arrd eranberry tart!

The little incidents are not at all important in my "Records", but were at the time pleasant events in a very disturbed and uncomfo*able youthful experience-

To return to my housekeeping wi& my very dear brother Roberi. We were very happy indeed together and we had very similar tastes too. We liked musie too and played a little on several instruments. I liked,much to busy myself in the house and wi& learning to cock etc. etc- I may say that our house was the pink and pattern of cleanliness and neatness. I made the carpets and curtains and everything requiring a needle myself. I practiced my music and amused myself with drawing and we walked down to the seashore at "Chapel", 2 miles off together when brother had time.

I think it couldn't have been more than a year, or so long as that before my brother lMashboume had completed his University studies at Oxford and taken his degree. I think I mentioned that he had gain;d a scholarship at his College "Lincoln" shortly after the commencement of his academic itudies. He was now ready for a Curacy but my Uncle rather hesitated about "giving him a tithe" which however he ultimately did at Hogsthorpe, one of his livings, where he never lived himself. So my brotherWashboume came to Hogsthorpe as Curate and lived with us.

After I left my Mo&er's house there was less hope than ever of any beneficial control over my Father's doings. Somehow, although always a favourite wi& my Father, I had a considerable power over him, I wis often called upon by my Mother to exercise it in various ways. When I left to live with my brother, there was nobody to urge him, or accompany him on his visits to his patients who still continued to seek his assistance, for he was a famous man all over the country in his profession and had the reputation of being not only very skilfll but kind heafied and generous and it was really remarkable that he mare readily devoted himself to the attendance of his poorer patients that to those who were well off and ready to repay him"

I often used to go over to Alford to see how things went on when I could get a ride, on a market day in the gigot a kind patient of my brother's.


After\,1/ashbourne had been a short time with us at Hogsthorpe, I took great offence one morrdng because he had not waited breakfast for me, but had had his breakfast and gone out, all signs of the meal having been removed. This was intended as a reproach and a lesson to me for coming down late, though it was only about B o'clock. However my dignity was injured and I resolved to go to Alford and did so, very silly and naughty as it was.

So I left my brothers with only the young servant ta do for them. Robert wrote after a week and asked me to retum, but I would not I prepared to leave home and take a situation as governess. My Mother was reluctant that I should go, because I was a help ta her in many \Arays.

How often in later years the recollection of the time I passed in that remote viliage, where I was so happy would vividly return! I ofter thought that if I had stayed longer my brother Robert would not have married so soon, and would not have perhaps rushed into the and trouble which his too early marriage with a delicate and portionless (?) girl at once involved him.

Not many months after I left. He married Miss Jane Soulbp a preffF nice young ladp and I having been the means of introducing her to my brother, was so taken to task and "hauled over the coals" by my Mother and Father etc. etc. that permission to attend my brother's wedding was refused me.

I then accepted a situation as governess in a Ladies School at Grantham and remained only half a year. I liked it well enough and got on famously but left because of the unpleasant attentions of the brother of my employer, Mrs. Eggleston. I couldn't endure the young fellow and so Ileft. When I returned to Alford things had arrived at such a pitch that the long proposed Exodus was positively determined upon.

My Father |ra{ semm€nced to order things by wholesa}e from the tradespeople, who sent ir their bills for my Mother,or my Unde to pay. He gave away the various artides! Poor patients were sent to the butchers with orders for meat. He said they required faod and nourishment, nct medicine! Ahatter's bill for a dozen hats came in! He had given hats to a lot of fellows at one of his rendezvous!

Many other more outrageous excesses made it imperative that we should finally quit the place. I cannot imagine now how I managed the very tremeadous task of compelling my Fa&er to leave; but r did!

Previously a great deal of our goods and furniture was sent off and we decided to go to my Uncle's place of Fotherby and hired a small but quite nice house by the roadside near the Church. My Mother and sisters left, and I remained to see to the final packing up and deparnue. We had a little four wheeled phaeton which I was accustomed to drive and in that vehicle, I managed to persuade my Father to allow me to take him to Louth. How he protested and begged and cried to be aliowed to remain atAlford. Poor man! How soryr I was for him to be so weak and fallen! But it was no use! Nothing could be done but take him away and I was resolute in not listening to his protestations of doing better in the future. Even as I write this, I think of him wi& soffow. I was very fond of my Father always, although I had many a smrggle in opposing his violent and unreasonable conduct, for my Mother's mild and submissive temperament was quite unequal to contend with, or against his treament of her. It was not personal violence. She suffered terribly in many ways; she forgave hime scores of times for his neglect and unfaithfulness. She was a religious and good woman. She had been educated and brought up in a manner that must have made her life a constant rnortification and pugatory to her; but she bore it with a patience and endurance incomprehensible to a hot-tempered ( -) such as I was.


I forget how long it was we lived in the Fotherby house, but during that time, it was found necessary for my two sisters, Jessie and Caroline to go to school at Louth. So lodgings were taken for them at the house of a Jeweller, an Italian named Bellatri and they attended the schooi of the Misses Beeton and Annison. Aurelia and I used to take it in turns to go over to Louth to stay with the girls and we had a very pleasant change and a good deal of amusement in our visits at Bellatti's who was an old man with only a housekeeper and lived in a large, good house. Curiously enough our grcat delight was in auending the service at the Roman Catholic Chapel, where there was a capital preacher, the priest being a Mr. Hall. We were all inclined at that time to be Ca&olics, and Barbara Hamison, the niece of Mrs. Moses actually embraced the Catholic faith. Mrs. Moses was the old lady with whom my Uncle "the Vicaf'had his Fotherby lodgings. I soon wearied of the dull monotony of the life at Fotherby being often left alone, my Mother and Father going to Seremby and Hogsthorpe so I resolved to take another situation and answered an advertisement and gained the post before I said a word about it to my Mother, for she didn't wish me to go away as I was useful to her.

The situatior was at Brant Broughton near Newark and in the family of a surgeon, Mr. Martin. I had 3 children of his, and 3 of a neighbouring gentleman a Mr. Shaw. I liked the premy village and the life well enough and got on splendidly. On my leaving in the surrmer after the fust half-year, my Mother proposed to give my 3 sisters a great treat and take therr to Lincola to meet me there and for us to spend a week or so seeing the fine Cathedral and other notable sights before returning home, which had changed its locality during my half year's absence.

It had been found necessary and advisable to quit Fotherby for now my Father and Mother and three sisters were living in the house fonner$ occupied by my Uncle Washboume Uvedale.

Before going home again, however I became acquainted in a curiously accidental way with Charles Ashton, afterwards my husband. He was one of the Lay Vicars of the Cathedral. We attended the services and all of us were especially fond of Cathedral and Church music.

I recognised at once in Mr. Ashton the singer I had once heard at a concert at Lincoln, when on my way to Brant Broughton and whose voice stmck me as the finest I had ever heard. lVe were all charmed with his singing! In the afternoon we went again and &e next moffring also.

It was necessary we should find lodgings, as an Inn was too expensive for so many. Mr Ashton had spoken to my Mcther and proposed to conduct her about the Cathedlal and show us all &e things that were to be seen, and hearing that she wanted aparftlents for the time, he kindly undertook to find the requisite rooms and did so. It was not too difficult then for him to act as chaperone about Lincoln. In shofi we became acquainted, it was resolved that my sister Aurelia should enter the excellent school of Mrs. Capp, whose scholastic establi.shment was quite famous. This was Aurelia's own desire, for she wished to make herself sufficiently competent to also leave home and take a situation as govemess and for this prupose she devoted her legacy from her Uncle to pay for her schooling. Of course this was advanced to her, for she was only seventeen. MrAshton was the Master in Music at that school

I did not return to my situation at Mr. Ma.rtin's, but remained with my Mo&er at Seremby. In the meantime my brother Robert had a littie daughter, Jane Diana, afterwards, Mrs. Henry Brown of Alford and I went often to see him and also my brother Washbourne, who still lived at Hogsthorpe, but had aparmrents in the village and took some pupils to prepare for University.


Robert had already a good extensive practice, the other surgeon in the town, named Wright having died. However his wife was ailing and very delicate and r.mable to take much care of her household or children for she soon had another child, a boy, Robert Rouway, called after the dear friend he
met in London during his studious times and who I forgot to relate, came wi& him to Alford and stayed 3 months during the last year before his departure. I read French wi& him and learnt a great deal. He was an elegant and charming man, not handsome at all, but the most fascinating man I had ever seen. He afterwards came agin to England to see my brother and me! But it was too late! For I was on the point of being married!

Well! It is no use to say anything more about this! It is ages ago, but I have not forgotten it! I had really never dared to think of such a man when I was the 17 year old girl atAlford for he was too high for me; but it seems he did think of me and when an engagement to which he had been bound, and to break off which he had originally come to London, was really at an end, he came too late as I said, for my wedding was fixed at a fororight later.

I was married at the Church at Hogsthorp from my brother's house and the ceremony was performed by my brother Wahboume, who I have reason to believe did not much approve of the match with Mr. Ashton and in truth I can say, that I would not have so hastily entered in to the marriage state, had not the state of our family affairs and the uncomfortable, wretched way of living at Seremby, the ever increasing misery of my unfortunate Father's behaviour, which entailed expenses that my Mother's income could hardly bear, made it urgent and tempting in fact, to seize the first chance to get away from it! Besides this Robert urged me to accept this offer; and Lincoln was a delightful city.

Olivia CarolineAshton nee xdhler

This is as far as the above narrative was written. The following in my Mother's handwriting, I found in L909, five years after her death in1904.

Diana ValentinaAshton

Charles Ashton was born in Lincoln on February 1st 1815, the only child of John and Mary Ashton. He received his musical education at an ear$ age when he shewed great talent for music and was gifted with such a fine voice that he was admitted into the Cathedral Choir at the age of seven years. His voice never broke in the usual mamer, but gradually changed into a high tenor of such exquisite quality that when an anthem with tenor solo was in the progralnme of the Cathedral service, crowds of the citizens could be seen toiling up the "Steep Hill" to hear Charles Ashton sing the solo. He was also engaged as the principal tenor at the many musical Festivals that were given at Yorh Birmingham and other places. On being very desirous to quit Lincoln for some Choir nearer London, he offered himself as candidate for the post of tenor at Cambridge and was elected for Trinity and Kings Colleges; but at the expiration of the 3 months notice he had to give the Lincoln Cathedrat authorities, he decided to remain there and so resigned Cambridge. At a subsequent date however, a more lucrative post became vacant at Durham Cathedral and Ashton again became a candidate and being successful, removed to that city where he lived till 1862 when he died in London and was buried at Norwood.


Olivia Caroline Kohler nee Ashton

After the dea& of my Father, Charles Ashton, our Mother was left with seven children practically destitute and the question arose as to what was to be done for only 3 of the children were grown up. Our paren6 who were married in 1837 had in all twelve children, nine of whom were girls and three boys, tvty Mother lost her first child at the age of nine months through an accident and three others in infancy. One of the sons however attained the age of nineteen years and was studying for the medical profession in London, when he accidentally suffocated while experimenting witlt chlorofoim which was a new drug at that time. His death occurred on the 7th December 186L and was such a shock to oru family, that our Father's health which hitherto had been excellent, began from that time onwards to fail and he only survived his son for seven months, dying himself on July 11th 1862 at the house of our Grandmother West.

All the children were more or less musical and the eldest daughter Diana was sent at the age of sixteen to study piano at the Conservatorium of Music at Leipzig in 1856 where she remained for three years. She was a very fine pianist and was a credit to the Conservatorium having studied there underthe most distinguished master, She returned home in 1859 and gave some concerts and began


After our Father's death in 1-862, as all except the three eldest children required educating, it was decided to leave Durham and go to Leipzig where living and education was at that time much cheaper &an in England.

The Revered Washbourne West, our Mother's brother agreed to thls plan and assisted with all the expenses. So inApril 1863 the whole fam,ly with the exception of Diana, left Durham for Leipzig. The children who went with &eir Mother were:

Rosa agedl7 Florence aged 15

Madeline aged 13 Olivia aged L1 Lucy aged9 Algernon aged 3

We all liked the life in Germany very much and soon learnt &e language. Florence who was a clever girl and was well educated undertook the further education in English of the three younger sisters and later on Lury and Algernon went to a German school.


In 1866 Rosa, who had a fine mezzo-soprano voice and had studied at the Conservatorium, married Gustav Wolff, a good musician and composer whose Father was a wealthy Banker in Berlin. He \dert to Bradford on the advice and recommendation of Professor Moscheles and remained there till his Father's death 18 years later They had ten children, four of whom died young' They were:

Charles who died at the age of B years Perry who died at the age of 3 months Diana born in 1869
Percy died in 1869 aged 1-3 years

(and also) Lilian Madeline Harold Leonara Norman 15

Florence married in 1873 Otto Westerberg a Swede and &ey had 5 children:

(A daughter) Madeline born in L874 she married Emil Olsen, a Norwegian and had one daughter, Ellen.


mairied in 1886 Hjalmar Petre, a Swede of high family who was at one time a very rich man, but lost his fornrne which consisted in iron mines, u*ren Bessemer steel was produced which killed the Swedish nade iron.

Olivia Caroline

Olivia Ashton married in 1875 Edward f6Her, a merchant in Leipzig and had one daughter born in Leipzig inAugusr 12*r 1876. Edward ftbhler died in 1886 and his widow left Leipzig and came wittr trer daughter, Olivia Christine, to live with her Mother and brother, the two latter having left Leipzig and settled in London 4 years previously. (1882)

Olivia Kdhler was a clever girl and gained a scholarship at Girton College, Cambridge where she took her degree in classics and studied for 4 yeaff. After leaving Cambridge, she went to Athens and studied archeology for 6 months. On returning to London she gave her services to Morley College and did some teaching preparing a boy for Eton and also devoted her spare time to teaching poor iripples in the slums of East End and helping them in many ways. She married in L905, thartes Smirh, a Clerk in the Civil Service at Somerset House and they had 4 children:

Richard Charles Washbourne Smith born in 1906 (Known as "Pen") who went toAustralia in 1"922 where he is now living in Perrh WesternAustralia and married in 1932 Marjorie Cummings of Scouish parerts. They have one son, Roger, nearly 2 years born in 1934 on May 31st. (A further son Lindsay was born.)

Oliver Evelyn Morley Smith bom June 2nd 191L. At present in &e BritishArmy Tank Corps. ( He married Joan but had no children. Known as "Pidge")

Margaret Cicely Langron Smith born 16th July 1913 in London. Married in 1932 Dr. Herbert Greene. They have one daughter Heather born 28 January 1934 and Sally Francis bom 24 August 1936.

Helen Sybil Uvedale Smi& born 1-3 October 1916 Maried Charles Beaumont but soon divorced. Married John Hodgson solicitor in Inland Revenue Somerset House. They had no children

The Mother, Olivia Christine, of these four children died at Sheringham at the age of 47 on L8th July 1923.


Lucy Ashton married Oscar Wolff, a brother of Gustav Wolff, n L877 and he lvas a Banker in his Father's firm in Berlin. They had four children:

Charles Herbert Madeline Diana


OscarWolff died in Berlin during the War of 1914-1918 and after the war his widow left Germany and came to England with her older daughter and 2 Grandchildren but they returned to Germany in L927 andlived at Schewerin in Mecklenburg.

Lucy Wolff died in 1933. AlgernonAshton (Heather Rutt's note)

Algernon Ashton began his musical education at seven and attended the Conservatorium from 1875 to 1879 and also studied in Frankfurt. He returned to England in 1882 and in 1885 was appointed Professor of Pianoforte at the RoyalAcademy of Music in London and in 19L3 he became Professor at the London College of Music till his retirement. He was a prolific composer and accomplished pianist but beuer known in Germany than Englaad. He published two books "Truth Wit and'Wlsdom" in 1903 and "More Truth, Wit and Wisdom" in 1908, both are collections of his letters to the press. He maried a student Ellen Hall and had one son, Clarence Ashton. He is buried in Paddington cemetery.



Diana Valentina Ashton LBLA - LgA4

DianaValentina was my Great Great Grandmother; she wrote notes of her childhood and family history for the benefit of her children and Grandchildren so they would have some knowledge of their family history. I have put these on modern record and added a few notes so that my own Grandchildren and future generations may aLso share this knowledge.

I have for a long time been fascinated by the story of how she took six of her children to Germany after the death of her husband, Charles Ashton, in 1862. In April 1863 Diana took them to Leipzig because it was cheaper to live there and education was also cheaper if not free. Her eldest daughter had spent three years at the Conservatorium of Music in Leipzig studying the piano but she returned to fngt*a in 1859 and didn't accompany the rest of the family to Germany. There is no record of links with Germany so we don't know what determined the choice of Leipzig.

Sadly Diana didn't write any accourt of her life in Lincoln after she married in 1-837 or of their life in Durham when in 1844 Charles was appointed a Lay Clerk and Leading Tenor. The fact that she had tr,selve children and was probably busy keeping her house in &e "pink and pauem of cleanliness and neatness" during this time, may have meant she saw it as routine and possibly, to her, not worth recording. Four of the children died in infancy and the eldest died in 1861when a medical student. This left seven children between the ages of twenty and three years.

Leipzig had some similarities to the cathedraL cities of Lincoln and Durham in that there was a sffong tradition of church music and famous churches, notably the Thomaskirche. Leipzigwas a centre for musicians and the family were swiftly taken under the wing of Clara Schumann. Algernon and his family regularly attended her soirees.

Leipzig was also the cen&e of the German book oade as well as having three famous Great Fairs eu.h year. Gerrnany was going through the Industrial Revolution and there was a big development of the railways. The population was growing at the time, in 1850 the population of Leipzig was estimated at 63,000 and in L870/7L it was 107,000.

There is a little information in Algemon Ashton's books about the family on their returo to England in 1882. This is as follows:

A Little Biographical Material March 7e 1906


It is very good of you to have given such prominence to the letter wherein I stated that Torsten Petre {a certain Scandinavian amateur composer) is &e stepson of one of my sisters. I should not have toubled you with another epistle, had you not expressed uncertainly as to whether this sister was the same one who "discovered how the Shaw moon borrowed light from the Ashton sun"; so I may as well tell you that this sister is not identical wittt the other. Altogether, I have five sisters still living - three in London, one in Berlin, and one in Stockhokn. My two brothers died nearly half a century agCI.

Yours very faithfully. AlgemonAshton

Sisters: Madeline Petre Rosa Tyson Olivia l<ilhler Lucy Wolff Florence Westerberg Brothers: Charies Ellwood and Duncan CooperAshton

From Algernon Ashton 1903

..Some eleven years ago (1892) My Mother (who is still l1"i"g at theage-of dose on ninety) was

passing a very touerin!, decrepit old crossing t*..p.t, who appeared to be at least eighty years of

ige, when she asked him "Hovr old are you?"

*bh. I'm a great age; I'm sixty-seven" came the reply'
.,Sixty-seven!,, my lVlother exclaimed with consid"i"utu surprise: "why that's nothing' Look at me

I'm seventy-eight!'

Letter from Dr. Robert Papperits Leipzig December 14d'1BgB

..I am glad to hear of the good health of your mother; please convey to her my heartiest wishes for the coming Year 1899"

AlgernonAshton April 2'd 1903

"My own mottter, bom on February !4e LllL,has lived in five reigns and is 5ff1 alive'" (Note ,My mother DianaYalentinaAshton, passed away onAugust 9e 1904')

AlgernonAshton September L4L902

Norwood Cemetery
DearVanity (VamtY Fair Editor)

Hitherto I have from time to time deemed it to be my duty to call public attention to certain neglected graves of famous personages, and in nearly every case my complaints have had the

desired effect,......
This time, however, it is not a single grave I have to complain about, but a whole cemetery namely'

that at Norwood. This beautifully situated God's Acre hai for some time past been in a surprisingly shocking condition, many of the headstones being quite crooked, others lying broken on the ground' whilst the grass is allowed to grow wild. This trriydeplorable state of things is all the more painful to me, ,, fror*ood Cemetery"contains the resting-places of my father, gtT$qtter' an aunt' an uncle, and a brother (Now iso of my mother and another aunt) who are all buried in a family grave which is, naturally, kept in the most perfect order possible. Other tombs at Norwood, notably those of the Greek.o**gfiry are of so costly and magniticent a descnption as to be well worth a visit to the cemetery. It is thereiore, exuemely desirable-that the whole of Norwood cemetery be decently

and properly kept. All other London graveyalds are tolerably well looked after; why then, should Norwood Cemetery be the one exception?

Heather M Rutt MaY 2016

This is a copy of family reeords written by my rnother Diana Yalentina Ashton in the year 18S8.
These notes were written out by her daughter
Olivia Caroline
f#trrcr nee Ashton in the 1930s

I have often been requested by my children, especially by Madeline and also by nry nephew John \{est to note down some account of our family as they believe I am the only member remaining, who can remember, or had the opportunity of leaming many events, circumstances, anecdotes etc. related by my Mother, Grandmother or others concerning their respective family histories, and which my children deske to have recorded, so that the next generation, chiefly my own Grandchildren, born or living abroad may not remain in total ignorance as to their "English" progenitors and cf the families from whom they are descended.

In the next pages I \^rill try to do so, the details will necessarily be very disconnected.

My Grandfather, Captain Timothy West, was the 2od son of Richard West Esq. of South Reston Ha1l, near South Lincolnshire. He was an officer in theArmy. I don't know in what year he was born but he served in the early wars in India, at the time when the East Indian Company were pushing &eir conquests; he was at the siege of Seringapatam (1799) and was present at the captme of that forffess and the surrender of Tippoo Sultan.

( Tipu Sahib L750-L799 "Tiger of Mysore" kil1ed 4May 1799by the British at the battle of Seringapatam.)

Through the hardships he had endured in those campaigns and as I have heard *through standing in trenches deep in watef he lost the use of his lower limbs and was invalided and returned home on a pension. He married Rebecca Tyson, the daughter cf the Reverend Leonard Tyson, Vicar of Fulstowe near Louth.

I believe that for a few years they went to live at a counffy place near Wiagby, where the Captain rranaged a farm. I have heard my Father speaking of living at that place when a bcy. I think he was born at Minting.

My Grandmother related to me that when she was married at Fulstowe by her Father, the Vicar, the bridegroom had to be carried into the church because of his lameness! He was however, a very handsome man and she was a very pretfy woman of 20 years of age.

Afrer quiting Minting and giving up farming, my Grandfather bought a good house in James Street, Louth and died at the age of 74. His wife survived him many years and was 90 when she died in the same house.

Timothy and Rebecca West had tweive children, six sons and six daughters. My Grandmother frequently spoke of them to me and said "her sons were all handsome and her daughters beautiful!" I only remember to have seen three or four of them, for they all left Louth, and several of them died in their youth.

The following are the names of the children in the order of their birth:

  1. Edga:

  2. Stephen Tyson

  3. Olivia

  4. Timothy

  5. William

  6. Clara

7. Henry 8. Matilda 9. Sabina 1"0. Rebecca

L1. Richard L2. Anna Ma:ia

Edgar was a fine artist, especially in miniatures. He painted in his later years chiefly anatomical sub;ucts for which he was famous. He was upwards of 90 when he died-

My Father Tyson West was the 2nd son. He was a surgeon and was ccnsidered eminent in his profession. H" -rur proud of having studied in London under the great John Hunter and after completing his studies was far a time assistant to a Mr. Hayes of Hull, for whom he always .rrt"rtuir"J a feeling of respect and gratitude for having treated him so well when he had a dangerous illaess, typhus in his house'

He returned to Louth intending to settle there. He became attracted by the beauty of Miss Diana Uvedale afterwards his wife, whose hand he only secured after many extraordinary schemes and subterfuges, the details of some of which my Grandmother related to me. The fact was &at Tyson West could not effect an introduction into the family of Mrs. Uvedale without great difficulty.

Mrs. Uvedale was the widow of Dr. Robert Uvedale, late Rector of Langton and Vicar of Enfield, and was herself the daughter of Bennet Langton Esq. of Langton and the sister of the well }nor,vn a,,d famous Bennet Lan-gton, the friend of Dr. Johnson, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Oliver Goldsmith and all the eminent men belonging to the celebrated society of whom Boswell (wrotd in his Life of Dr- Samuel Johnson. tvtrs Uvedale had come to reside at Louth with her two sons, the Revered Robert and the Reverend Washbourne Uvedale and her four daughters, after quitting Langton Hall in which my Grandfather, Dr. Uvedale resided when the Langtons were absent.

Mrs. Uvedale was a very proud and stately lady and was an invalid and had a much reduced income after the death of her husband. However young Tyson West would not be regarded as a suitable match for her daughter and he tried many plans to attract her attention and at last succeeded by the following strange freak. I must first say that he was a very fine young man. He must when young have bee-n extremely handsome and fascinating for my recollection of my Father was that of a perfectly featured fice of the Roman type; high open forehead, handsome aquiline nose, eyes blue as deep violets and a small fine mouttrwith teeth white aad perfect tc the last. He had abundance of browncurly hair and was as manly as he was handsome. No wonder that when once he caught &e attention of Miss Diana Uvedale, she fell in love with him-

This is how he managed to pick up an acquaintance with the proud family. On a very rainy day, the streets like rivers, therain pouring in torrents he began to march slowly up and down the quiet sfteet, past the windows of Urc. Uvedale's house, without an umbrella, without an overcoat and bareheadedl My Mother \dils not the first to wonder at the proceedings of the strange youlg man. Charlotte, her eldest sister observed him, and with great surprise called the attention of the other sisters to this inexphcabte conduct and sent out a servant at last to enquire what he was doing- After that, having succeeded in drawing the observation of the family upon himself, he managed to obtain an introduction through one of his sisters-

I never heard from my Mother any particulars of her engagement to my Father, but have often heard curious details from my Crandmother Wes! who assisted her son Tyson in numerous extraordinary manoeuwes to succeed in obtaining the hand of Miss Uvedale.

My Grandmother uvedale only at last consented to the marriage of her daughter because she was grea*y shocked and alarmed at an anempt at suicidf on the part of Tysol We-1t;_but the whole affair iuas cieverly a piece of acting. Mrs. uvedale was afterwards on terms of cordiality with him and had a high opinion of his professional skill-

My Father and Mother were manied at Louth in St. Mary's Church he being settled at Louth as a ,*g.o1 in good practice. I believe they were about the same age 25 and were married about the y.u? raos. i.emember my Mother relate that on the wedding day, they drove in a "Post Chaise" to Seremby together with her sister Charlone (afterwards Mrs. Mitcheil) to spend a few days at the house of her brother Washboume Uvedale who at that time was &e Curate at Seremby and lived in the parsonage house, which is still there. He held that curacy for the Revered Henry Brackenbury to *ho* Ae Uving belonged, but who was not ready to take possession of it.

My Uncle was also Curate o{ Gunby a village 2 or 3 miles off, where for a short time afterwards he ."iid.d, but finatly returned to his favourite village seremby, where he had purchased a pretty

cottage',surrounded by charming gardens and fieids behind and before his house- He lived like a hermit almost ana employea niis-ert in his gardens and fields. on the side of his paddock, in one of his cottages (he had O-or 4 lived Mrs. Ironmonger and her husbard, who filled the post of manservant, cook and housekeeper severally for many yearc'

My Uncle lived in his house alone and Mrs. Ironmonger used to come to his house which was close Uy to get his breakfast ready early on the morning; clean up his parlour, stud-Y etc' She was an excellent cook and dld a;1 in her own conage. I have the most pleasant recollections of staying with my Uncle on visits when I was a very little girl and used to stay at Seremby with nny Aunt Mitchell, rvho lived with her brother for a time when vt tvtit.hutt was on his travels. She had no children and liked to have one with her. It was after Mr. Mitchell died, and my Aunt also a few years later, that

my Uncle Washbourne lived the solitary life I have mentioaed; but he did not objea to let me and my sister Aurelia stay a week or two at a time with him, when we begged of him to have us, but we always slept at Mrs. ironmonger's cottage. That was a plpasant time of my life! I loved to stay at Seremby! The beautiful gardJn fulI of fruit ana flowers, &e library, &e bookslocked up in the taII bookcaies and given out ody on request to (be) delivered up again when read- They were curious aad precious Uoot<s. How I used to sit and readl rhe old 9 volume edition of Shakespeare's plays I reaithrough and through before I was 11- years old. Olivia has them now; re-bound'

Well! I have wandered away from my Father and Mother and their simple honeymoon at quiet Serernby in which churchyard my excellent and revered Uncle Washbourne Uvedale lies interred. He died on the 1" of February ra* of diabetes after an itness only lanown to our family of 2 weeks. He was a good and kind benefactor to us. He was the sole keeper for years of his sister, my Mother in the increasing troubies and difficulties of her married life, and in short had it not been for his unselfishness and uitiring generosity to her and her six children we must have remained without education and often in great i*a *a ,tr"rr, because of my Farther's &oughtless extravagances and in his later life, neglect of his professional employment'

But I am losing the thread of my narrative altogether and must return tc the life of ttre family at Louth after my Mother's marriage.

As I said my Father was in practice there and fu that town were born my two brothers, Robert Uvedale West and Washbourne West. For some cause my Father left Louth. I think he purchased a fine practice at Gainsborough in Lincolnshire where he was for a year r,rrith a Mr. Hanley, who left him to conduct the business alone. There a daughter, Diana Langton was born and died when only a few months old and then I was born in 1814 on St. Valentine's Day and was named after my Mother, Diana Valentina. I may mention as a curious thing, that for several generations we have
had the name of Diana in the family. The fust bcrn "Diana" had died in infancy, and a second child has then been baptised by that name thus my Mother was the 2'd Diana of her Mother and I and the 2"d Diana of my Mother. I have also had 2 Dianas viz. Agnes Diana, who died at Louth and was buried at Fotherby; and Diana Uvedale who married Louis Haab in 1870 and died in New York in

L872. So we look upon the name as unlucky and only one of my daughters, Rosa has called a child of hers by that name. It was first introduced into our family by the marriage of Bennet Langton, before mentioned, with Diana Tumor, daughter of Sir Edward Tumor of Stoke Rochford, Lincotnshire. Since that time the name has been kept up not only in my branch of &e family, but also in that of my late brother Dr. Robert Uvedale West, who had a daughter and a Granddaughter of that name.

To retun. My Father was obliged to dispose of his practice at Gainsborough, which he did to good advantage to a Mr. Hanson. He left because he got into difficulties by becoming security to a censiderable amount for some friend or acquaintance He had iust received my Mother's share of what had been a very large fortune, left by Mrs. Diana Langton, (Mrs. Uvedale's Mother) whieh had been thrown into Chancery by the two disputing sons-in-law of Mrs. Langton, viz. the Reverend Dr Uvedale and the Reverend William Brackenbury who had married the 2 daughters Diana and Juliet, daughters of Bennet Langton. After years and years of litigation, during which time Dr. Uvedale and Mrs. Uvedale had died, the property formally f80,000 terribly dirninished was adjudged to be equally divided between the chitdren of Dr. Uvedale and Mr. Brackenbury. There were 6 drildren of each of the sons-in-law. I have heard but cannot remember how much the share of each amounted to and only know that it was shortly before I was born that my Mother went up to London to receive her share, which my Father rapidly made ducks and drakes of! not only spending it and losing it in the downfall and bankruptcy of his friend Whitaker but being obliged to sell his practice which had become so much finer and more lucrative than under Mr. Hanbury. So much have I heard from my poor Mother whose trials and touble began from that time. Then my Father quitied Gainsborough and took a small practiee at the small town, Burgh in Lineolnshire, where the third daughter

Viooria was born.

This was a disastrous move and only a year after, the family removed to Alford, a small town where my second Uncle, of whom I have not yet spoken much, the Reverend Robert Uvedale had purchased a considerable property, a house and premises, paddock stables and gardens, which had previously been occupied by a medical man. In these premises was my Father lacated.

My earliest recollections are {rom ttris time, or at least of a few years later. We had an excellent large house, very old fashioned and according to popular ideas terribly haunted. As a child I used to hear so much of all these ghosts and visitations, that it was hardly possible not to be superstitious. We lived 17 years atAlford my remaining 3 sisters were bom here:

Aurelia Rebecca
Langton Caroline de Brunswick

Nov 14e 1B1B May L8tr 1820 July 1821


The latter, beiag born about the time of the immense excitement caused by the trial of Queen Ca:oline, wfe of George 1y to my Father being a hot "Queen's man" had the child baptised by this

absurd name.

My early recollections of the life at Alford, when my Father had a very extensive practice and was i" t igfr ieputation as a skilful operator and accoucheur were quite enjoyable. We had 2 or 3 maid servants and a very faithful man servant "old Tom".

My Father dashed abcut a good deal, drove a fine tandem with a couple of horses called "Jack" and ..iill. and was greatly devited to shooting game at a time when the game laws were very silict and owners of land r.rru.* in &e prosecution of pe..o*, who had no actual right or licence to shoot- My Fa&er was what is ca]led a dead shot, and I remember he used to go out shooting on Miles Cross Hill wittr his man to carry home the game and so successful was he that once he desired Tom to bring into the parlour the day's booty for my Mother tosee, before he sent off the hares, partridges etc. io his patients. I recollect they lay in a line across the length of &e room!

The consequences of &is i*ordinate love of shooting and his determinatioE to set at defiance 2 or 3 of the country gentlemen "Dashwood" of Well Hall and "Dodson" of Clasby etc. got him into no end of difficulties and expenses besides makrn-g enemies of persons in power,_for these two gentlemen were magisftates and took upon themselves authority there was nobody to oppose_ iruch as it might be"questioned. Besides this, my Father began to neglect his practice and offended many friends is well as opponents by sarcastic verses and even caricatures which, I believe were often very clever and hit &e nail on the head in a style that afforded intense amusement and satisfaction to those whom they did not concern, but created for himself many open biuer enemies.

The horxe we lived in, belonged to my Mother's brother the Reverend Robert Uvedale, who generously allowed my Fa&er to accupy all those premises free of rent. As I said before, we had Jtables large paddock and gardens. My Father was fond of gardening ary I y"[ remember him at the time I was 6 or 7 yearsild, working and planting in the garden. We hadquantities of fruit- Fine espalier apple trees on the side of every walk, walnut trees on the side of the long paddock, summer houses, Z or Sbut especially our garden was famous for a so-called "Hermitage" which with assistance of carpenier, *d plasierers, my Father himself designed and constructed. There is still an otd .'pigeon cote" standing at the end of what is now a paddock dose to the "BeclC' (a then pellucid sf,eam of water) *d tt " wall of that building served for the back of the Hermitage. The mortared walls were thickly and entirely fuIl of seashells, coloured pebbles ete- fetched from &e

shore at Sutton.

I just remember helping to pick up shells for the Hermitage, Inside the plastered walls were painted drab colours ana with hir o*o hands my Father designed the panels for the Lord's Frayer, the Creed, the ten commandrnents and other religious sentences. The lettering was in black paint and beautifully done. Also on one side was a painted tablet to the memory of his first daughter "Diana Langton,,, the infant who died at Gainsborough, and also to the beloved memory of 'qy'ictoria" a ,"ry}roo*ite child of my parents who died at the age of 7 years and was buried at the end of the oldchurchyard atAlford, where the flat gJave stone with a remarkable Latin inscription sti1l lies. Besides these arrangements, there were *riorrs rural seats as chairs, and a table "coffin shaped" and covered \^rith black and nailed all round with white metal coffin trimmings. On each side of the table stood a couple of stange and awe inspiring skeletons which frightened beholders very much at fkst, especially our school companions, for we children were so used to see skulls and skeletons, that we rather enjoyed the terror of strangers. One tall case with a glass door, contained a fine and

perfect skeleton, as wtrite as snow. It had been prepared and "articulated" by my Father himself and was the skeleton of a man who was executed at Nottingham for the murder of his wife. The ilame of the man and particulars of the crime were pasted on the inside. On the other side of the table stood a coffin upright, with the initials of my Father himself; but he had the coffin made intending to make a skeleton of an old noted character atAlford "Tinker Wood" who had begged him to buy his body! I recollected hearing a guest laughing at the joke, that the price the old tinker demanded was reduced, because, he having a wooden leg, would not make a perfect skeleton'

I mention &ese things because it will give some idea, though cnty faintlS what a strange and peculiar man my Father was. The empty coffin had shelves in it and specimens of dissections of various kinds were deposited on them. From the ceiling was suspended a right arm and hand, the flesh and muscles -er" ,ll there, the tissues with a red sealing wax sort of substance. In the hand was an hourglass , and when one sat and read in the Hermitage, which I used to do for hours when I was older, one could turn the hourglass and so lcrow how tirne sped en. In front of the Hermitage were prefty flowerbeds and a carved stone pinnade from some neighbouring old church had been utilized as a monument and lettered with an inscription to my sister Victoria. It lMas a nice place, a lcvely garden; as long as my Father kept to his gardening and such amusements all went well-

Of course I don't remember or know the acrual cause of the gradual decline of prospects in Alford. A1l this time my two brothers Robert andWashbourne were attending the Grammar School at Atford an excellent school founded either by Queen Elizabeth or Edward IV. They were both models of industry and perseverance of two very different tastes and temperaments, good friends and much attached to each other. Robert early showed his inclination for the medical profession, while Washbowne as distinctiy aimed for the Church. I have a vivid recollection of Washbourne preaching in the backyard mounted on a cut corner of a haystack, in a black go\,fi] made by my Mother for him. I acting as clerk, but could not read, and getting into disgrace by saying "Amen" in the wrong place. There is a woman atAlford now (1885) whcse name was Milly Brown who told me last ,,rm*". that she was one of the congregation at this preaching and that Washbourne had given them apples, to induce them to listen, and when they had eaten them, they ran away which so hurt his feelings that he cried!

My brother Robert Uvedale had a $eat liking for the study of modern languages, to which he devoted most of his spare time after quiting the Grammar School at about 17 years of age, when he was regularly apprenticed to his Father and had great advantages in seeing a good deal of practice and assisting in "*"s of surgery. Robert was also fond of literary pursuits and was one of a small parry of yorths, who much enamoured of poetry, used to assemble in our Hermitage to consult over and show their several poems and other tales. Of these youths, Edward Lenton, a youthful clerk in a lawyer's office was decidedly talented. He died at the age of L4 of consumption. Avolume of poetry and prose, combined productions of my brothers Robert and Edward Lenton was published-

The Spanish language was the first eagerly studied and Robert (was) proficient in that, as well as in Latin, French and afterwards German. In fact in the latter years of his life he was sufficiently acquainted with many of the continental languages to translate for the shipwrecked captains and rui]og who were cast ashore on the coast rear which he lived the most part of his life.

By the time that arrived when Robert must study in London, affairs had got sruch worse with my Fither's profession, and funds for Robert's studies were only very scantily forthcoming and he bravely eked o,rt his resources by translating into English, the numbers, as they appeared of a French Medical Dictionary, as wel1as reported the lectures of SirAshley Cooper, by the express

permission of the great $Irgeon himself, who expressed his satisfaction at the correcsress and exce*ence of his reports.

On completiag hls studies in London, he went to Paris for further improvement and acquired there a fluency in speaking French and a wide acquaintance with many eminent persons, introduced to him by a French gentleman with whom he had resided in London and with whom he formed a friendship that lasted to the end of his life. This friend was Monsieur Alexandre Louis de Rouway.

During &e time Robert was in London, his brotherWashbourne was already at Oxford and if &e funds were difficult to obtain for Robert, they were equally so for Washbourne as any assistance from my Father's side, was out of the question. My excellent Uncle Washbourne Uvedale, had been continually and on all occasions appealed to my my poor Mother in her various troubles and disftess caused by &e increasing negtrect of his profession by my Father as well as his growing intemperance. About these times, I well remember the consultations and councils we held as to what was to be done for funds to meet the expenses of University eduction for Washbourne now fuIly prepared to enter upon these studies.

My good Uncle Washbourne was quite ready to do all in his power; but he was not rich and had only shortly before received the nomination to two small livings of Hixwold and Kir:moad in Lincolnshire which had been presented to him by his relative Christopher Tumor Esq. Of Stoke Rochford. He was a grandson of Mrs. Langton whose Will was disputed by her two sons-in-law. This Mr. Turnor was immenseiy rich and had just come into an estate of 130,000 a year; so i.t was proposed that my Mother should go to him, state the case and ask his assistance. What an event that was! And what a journey in those days!

Stoke Rochfcrd is a few miles from Grantham. The journey was managed wittt difficulty there being no direct route or conveyance. The errand too was a difficult one, to introduce herself to
Mr. Tumor, or even to obtain access to him. However she went to Grantham, had a lodging there and ascertained, luckily, that Mr. John Turnor, the Uncle of young Christopher Turnor was visitlng him. So she applied to him by letter and he called on her at Grantham and interested himself so much as to promise his own and his nephew's help. So my Mother came back in high spi.rits and we waited for the promised intelligence as to the extent of the help of the Turnor family to their poor relatives.

The letter came on a Sunday morning and my Mother would not open it until Monday! Everybody was dying with suspense and aaxiety but she said we must learn to curb our impatience! Next morning we found the Mr. John Turnor and his nephew agreed to allow !200 for Washbourne's College expenses, upon which intelligence rny Uncle Washbourne at once took upon himself to defray the rest. So these difficulties were considerably smoothed especially as my brother Wbshbourne obtained a Scholarship at Lincoln College, Oxford for three years which plaeed him for the time in an easy position.

As for me, I had hardly been to school, except as a little child till B or 9 years of age, when my old schoolmisuess dying suddenly, the school broke up and there was no ather for several years; but at last it became desperate and it was solved that "Di" must be sent to school so at nearly 1-4 years of age I was to my great delight entered at Miss Langhorne's Ladies Schoof also at the eost of my generous Uncle Washbourne.

I learnt there the usual accomplishments of the period: music, French, drawing etc. etc. and considering the very superficial style of teaching at that time, I got on so well that I was quickly at

the head of the school.


As I said at the beginning of &is narrative, I had read a great deal; although I had not beer to school rructr. I had had the run of a good tibrary both at home and at Seremby and I read everyrhing I could get hold of but believe I was interested in most things and besides my memory was excellent. {It is now and I am 74 andremember what I read then.)

I have hitherto said hardly anything about my Uncle Robert Uvedale, or as we always called him *the Yicat''. He was the elder brother of my Mother and was in fact the last of his name for he reyer married, remaining like his brother Washbourne.

This family of Uvedale is a very ancient and distinguished one; there have been many important personages amoflgst our ancestors and the Pedigree of uvedale of Horton (see British Museum) ieaches back to the reign of Edward III when Peter de Uvedale, Lord Uvedale, held high office under that King.

I cannot here mention particulars, because you Madeline have the Pedigree copied in full by yourself with Coat of Arms and crest, as also notices copied from the Pedigree of the various members of this ancient and honourable family who bear a shield of arms, a Crusader's Cross, the "Uvedale Cross" especially so designated in Heraldry. Those of the family who want to know and understand the whoie Pedigree, must obtain a copy to see how it has been brought down to the present descendants which are actually the descendants of my Mother Mrs. Diana West, born Uvedale, who was the onty one of the six children of Dr. Robert Uvedale and Dian4 his wife- To make it more clear, I may as well explain it here.

The six children of Mr and Mrs Uvedale were as follows:
Robert Uvedale, Vicar of Fotherby and Hogsthorpe, Lincolnshire Washbourne Uvedale, Yicar of Hixwold Kirby and Markly, Lincs Charloue married John Mitchell of London, no children
Diana married Tyson West, surgeon, 6 children
Sophia married John Taylor, sclicitor of London, no children

My Uncle, the Vicar, resided for many years with my Grandfather and Grandmother West at their house in James Street, Louth. W'e used to go over to Fotherby every Saturday and stay till Monday or Tuesday and in my young days I used to like exceedingly to stay with him in the charming farmhouse of Mrs Moses where he had lodgings for the purpose of the weekly journey to preach at his church at Fortherby. Jolly times I thought it to get away from the disturbances at hofrle, to stay a couple of weeks at the farm or at Grandmother West's. This Uncle was a very different man from his bro&er and we children used to &ink it very difficult to get anything in the way of little sums af money out of "IJncle the Vicar" and thought he was mean etc. but I am sure he was not. He rivas most good natured with us all, and although he would resist the begging of a uifle for this and that, he always relented at last. So none of us were afraid of the Vicar."

He tiked very much to come over to Alford and stay a week at a time wittr us. It really was a wonder ttrat he found it agreeable to come to see our poor Mother considering the constant troubles and difficulties she had to endure, and the continual applications to him for help in various ways.

Somehow we dared things with 'the Vicat''which we never dreamt of venturing with silent grave Uncle Washbourne. I mean in talking to him and begging of him etc. etc. He was most good tempered with "the bairns" and I &ink now that he must really have liked children.

There was another reason why he like Alford and that was a sort of attachment to my Father, partly of account of the high opinion he had of his professional abilities and the continual liking for consulting him professionally; for he was constantly taking medicine, and when I, after my brothers had goneio Oxiord and London, took to assisting my Father in ttre sugery which I liked very *u.h to do. I derived quite a little revenue from the "tonic mixtures" which my Uncle liked to swallow to which to the advantage of my limited income he paid me handsome$ for.

The Vicar used to go to Seremby visiting his brother Washbourne and it used to be an understood thing that as my Uncte Washbourne helped my brother at Oxford, so the Vicar should do the same for his nephewRobert in London, but I don't think be actually did help with much money.

About the period of the respective studies of my two brothers from home, we had a dreadful outbreak oi typhus fever inour family. My Mother was the last ill and dreadfully bad we all were in every case. Ii iasted nine months before &e terrible rlisease disappeared. I was the first and &e last for ihad it Wice I am sure that six weeks of my existence remained a blot on my memory. Every singie person had symptoms different in character. Robert was dangerously ill and could not return to iondon after the long vacation and only ldashbourne escaped entirely. He had kept apafi in his own room to get off to Oxford safelY.

Our house was like a hospital and my Father made his rounds in the morning with a Rurse and no other soul came near the house. My sister Jessie had all but died. My Mother thought the infection was produced by the close proximity to the crowded churchyard, exactly opposite our house. Very likely that was the cause; but we all recovered-

During the time that Robert was ill, he made a confidant of rne as to a love affair with a yaung lady and at his desire, I wrote to her in his name. The girl was Jane Soulby, afterwards his wife. She wasof agoodfanilyandgranddaughterof Mr. Soulbyof Ashbpamanof fortuneaboutthere,but was an o[fr* with two siiters and a brother who had all been brought up by an Uncle who was a surge0n at spilsby.

Jane Soulby was a beautiful girl but had little education and a delicate constitution. My brother was really deeply enamoured of her and in fact broke off entirely a rather long engagement with the daughter of a clergyman inAlford to the entire disruption of our friendship with that family-

At this period however there was little probability of the engagement being brought to an issue; for Robefi was not yet finished with his hospital studies and had stillto seek a place for an attempt to found for himseif. During the time my brothers were severally engaged in the prosecution of their studies, a heavy misfornrne befell us in &e unexpected illness and death of our benevolenq good Uncle Wahbourne Uvedale. He died as I have said at Seremby on Feb 1-" 1833 to our great grief and sorrow. He left a short will on sheet of notepaper, written by himsetf leaving the whole of his property to my Mother to be equally divided at her death between her six children. He also gave Lr.i oi.rr a legacy of f50 to be paid to us when of age for a little assistance in what we might be doing. My legicy helped me afterwards to buy an outfit when I resolved to take a situation as governess.

This small properfy of my Uncle's which was about f3000, I think was the Seremby house and fields and it was not long after the acquisition of this small income that my Father's conduct


became so unendurable and his neglect of his practice so alamring &at many a consultation and council was holden amongst thoseiapable of forrring some opinion as was best to be done, for not only did my Father neglea his patienis that only compulsion would make him visit, but eve* the daybook that I myself-t<ept of his visits and medicines after my brothers had left home he found *d d.rt oyed. For a whoie year was no record of the records remaining. I ought to say that I had assisted him in the surgery ifter Robert had left, to make up medicines of all kinds myself. I went with my Father to visit many patients and was even present at several operations.

At last it was resolved to quitAlford to give up our house and go into a coungy place so that my Father might be forced to Lreak off his bid acquaintances of various kinds and be obliged to content himself with moderate living. It was hoped to check his intemperance which had increased to a degree that rendered our lives wretched and my poor, submissive Mother a marfyr.

However the resolve to leave Alford, where we had at least the advantage of free premises, met with various obstacles. My Uncle "the Vicaf'was opposed to the plan, partty because he liked to come over for the weekly visits and partly because in Jpite of the increasing miscoaduct of my Father he partially shielded,if not defended him. Some time or other, it appears that in a serious illness, my Father had so successfully attended to him, that he was under the impression that his life had been absolutely preserved by my Father's skill, and on this account he never would forsake him.. This was a very- amiable trait in the character of my good old Uncle *the Vicat''

who certainly did his share in the assistance thaiwas rendered to my Father and Mother, in as much as he was often the means of rescuing our family from impending difficulties.

So the removal from Alford was put off from time to time as matters became alternately brighter of more gloomy.

Robert finished his studies in London and Paris and returned to A]ford and it was detenrrined he should try to obtain a practice for himself at a village 5 or 6 miles fromAlford called Hogsthorpe, of which my Uncle Robert Uvedale was "tfre Vicar." There was room enough for a dcctor as there was only, a hir. Wright who had made a fornme there, it was said. Mr brother went there and soon gaining .o** pitiunts, he left his lodgings and took a nice house which was furnished for him iri"ny Uy the-contents of my poor Uncle's coffage at Seremby. I gtadly went to keep his house and maae everyttring nice and tidy by my own industry. I had a little maid of 14 years, a neat, industrioui girl, such as are not now to be got, and here before detailing further anyttring s; the life at Hogsthorpe, I must relate that after leaving school at 1-6 years of age I worked for my Mo&er in the wly of needlework with the most industrious perseverance. I made the underlinen of the whole

family. I learnt to cut out and sew shirts not only for my brothers and Father but also did the same workior both my Uncles. My excessive industry was greatly stimulated !f tf,. payment I received' And here I may Lbr"*. that *ris plan of paying young girls for the work they do in the family proved * .".uu"rt one, for I leamt to makl evel dresses and in short everything that was required'

I saved my money for I had a cherished object {rom the commencement; it was to spend a month or so in London with my brottrer Robert befoie he should finally leave. To see T,ondon in those days was the height and sgmmit of young ladies, be it remembered in those days of the early pafi of the 1ge centuryf railways **t" *i,rro*n and there was no means of travelling except by stage coach

or carrier's wagons.

When my brothers severally had to travel to London and Oxford, it was necessary to "bespeak" a place in the mail coach from Grimsby to London for a full fortnight beforehand and my brother Washbourne had to travel by way of London to Oxford! To London then I wanted to go. I worked


my fingers nearly to the bone to eam the money for this purpose; but as "Btrnls" says "the wisest*"r of mouse and man gang aft astay." I *ever went! The illness &at afflieted us all, typhus fever, which I have already menticned, intervered. My brother Robert recovered and went to London, passed his examinations and returned whilst I, the last of the sick, was still an invalid.

My money however was still intact and what did I spend it on? A piano! I couldn't go and live with *y b*th*r in &e dull, lonely place without an instrument, for I was extremely fond of music. I could play, but especially sing, and much enjoyment I had in the midst of &e wretchedness at home through the pleasant musical parties inAlfard at the houses of relations of my Father's the Wests, at the house of the Revered and Mrs. Lister whose charming daughters were my half cousins.

\4re had weekly meetings for glee singing etc. etc. and several persons also in the town of Alford were very *,riical and we had a number of very agreeable musical associates. It was &erefore not to be *rought of that I could dispense with a piano, or my sister, who by this time could play nicely. So I went *iA *y Mother and *the Vicar'to Boston, Lincohshire, for the great occasion cf the purchase of the piano. I well remember all about the journey; but it was a journey then! It was on the 14fr February, my birrhday, St. Valentine's Day! When my piano was purchased - a second hand square, which cost f20. I was 1-7 years old that day and my Uncle let me order the dinner at the hotel in the Market Place. I (saw the) sign: "The PeacoclC'but the dinner \ a curious one- A brace of roast pheasants, bread sauce, plum pudding arrd eranberry tart!

The little incidents are not at all important in my "Records", but were at the time pleasant events in a very disturbed and uncomfo*able youthful experience-

To return to my housekeeping wi& my very dear brother Roberi. We were very happy indeed together and we had very similar tastes too. We liked musie too and played a little on several instruments. I liked,much to busy myself in the house and wi& learning to cock etc. etc- I may say that our house was the pink and pattern of cleanliness and neatness. I made the carpets and curtains and everything requiring a needle myself. I practiced my music and amused myself with drawing and we walked down to the seashore at "Chapel", 2 miles off together when brother had time.

I think it couldn't have been more than a year, or so long as that before my brother lMashboume had completed his University studies at Oxford and taken his degree. I think I mentioned that he had gain;d a scholarship at his College "Lincoln" shortly after the commencement of his academic itudies. He was now ready for a Curacy but my Uncle rather hesitated about "giving him a tithe" which however he ultimately did at Hogsthorpe, one of his livings, where he never lived himself. So my brotherWashboume came to Hogsthorpe as Curate and lived with us.

After I left my Mo&er's house there was less hope than ever of any beneficial control over my Father's doings. Somehow, although always a favourite wi& my Father, I had a considerable power over him, I wis often called upon by my Mother to exercise it in various ways. When I left to live with my brother, there was nobody to urge him, or accompany him on his visits to his patients who still continued to seek his assistance, for he was a famous man all over the country in his profession and had the reputation of being not only very skilfll but kind heafied and generous and it was really remarkable that he mare readily devoted himself to the attendance of his poorer patients that to those who were well off and ready to repay him"

I often used to go over to Alford to see how things went on when I could get a ride, on a market day in the gigot a kind patient of my brother's.


After\,1/ashbourne had been a short time with us at Hogsthorpe, I took great offence one morrdng because he had not waited breakfast for me, but had had his breakfast and gone out, all signs of the meal having been removed. This was intended as a reproach and a lesson to me for coming down late, though it was only about B o'clock. However my dignity was injured and I resolved to go to Alford and did so, very silly and naughty as it was.

So I left my brothers with only the young servant ta do for them. Robert wrote after a week and asked me to retum, but I would not I prepared to leave home and take a situation as governess. My Mother was reluctant that I should go, because I was a help ta her in many \Arays.

How often in later years the recollection of the time I passed in that remote viliage, where I was so happy would vividly return! I ofter thought that if I had stayed longer my brother Robert would not have married so soon, and would not have perhaps rushed into the and trouble which his too early marriage with a delicate and portionless (?) girl at once involved him.

Not many months after I left. He married Miss Jane Soulbp a preffF nice young ladp and I having been the means of introducing her to my brother, was so taken to task and "hauled over the coals" by my Mother and Father etc. etc. that permission to attend my brother's wedding was refused me.

I then accepted a situation as governess in a Ladies School at Grantham and remained only half a year. I liked it well enough and got on famously but left because of the unpleasant attentions of the brother of my employer, Mrs. Eggleston. I couldn't endure the young fellow and so Ileft. When I returned to Alford things had arrived at such a pitch that the long proposed Exodus was positively determined upon.

My Father |ra{ semmnced to order things by wholesa}e from the tradespeople, who sent ir their bills for my Mother,or my Unde to pay. He gave away the various artides! Poor patients were sent to the butchers with orders for meat. He said they required faod and nourishment, nct medicine! Ahatter's bill for a dozen hats came in! He had given hats to a lot of fellows at one of his rendezvous!

Many other more outrageous excesses made it imperative that we should finally quit the place. I cannot imagine now how I managed the very tremeadous task of compelling my Fa&er to leave; but r did!

Previously a great deal of our goods and furniture was sent off and we decided to go to my Uncle's place of Fotherby and hired a small but quite nice house by the roadside near the Church. My Mother and sisters left, and I remained to see to the final packing up and deparnue. We had a little four wheeled phaeton which I was accustomed to drive and in that vehicle, I managed to persuade my Father to allow me to take him to Louth. How he protested and begged and cried to be aliowed to remain atAlford. Poor man! How soryr I was for him to be so weak and fallen! But it was no use! Nothing could be done but take him away and I was resolute in not listening to his protestations of doing better in the future. Even as I write this, I think of him wi& soffow. I was very fond of my Father always, although I had many a smrggle in opposing his violent and unreasonable conduct, for my Mother's mild and submissive temperament was quite unequal to contend with, or against his treament of her. It was not personal violence. She suffered terribly in many ways; she forgave hime scores of times for his neglect and unfaithfulness. She was a religious and good woman. She had been educated and brought up in a manner that must have made her life a constant rnortification and pugatory to her; but she bore it with a patience and endurance incomprehensible to a hot-tempered ( -) such as I was.


I forget how long it was we lived in the Fotherby house, but during that time, it was found necessary for my two sisters, Jessie and Caroline to go to school at Louth. So lodgings were taken for them at the house of a Jeweller, an Italian named Bellatri and they attended the schooi of the Misses Beeton and Annison. Aurelia and I used to take it in turns to go over to Louth to stay with the girls and we had a very pleasant change and a good deal of amusement in our visits at Bellatti's who was an old man with only a housekeeper and lived in a large, good house. Curiously enough our grcat delight was in auending the service at the Roman Catholic Chapel, where there was a capital preacher, the priest being a Mr. Hall. We were all inclined at that time to be Ca&olics, and Barbara Hamison, the niece of Mrs. Moses actually embraced the Catholic faith. Mrs. Moses was the old lady with whom my Uncle "the Vicaf'had his Fotherby lodgings. I soon wearied of the dull monotony of the life at Fotherby being often left alone, my Mother and Father going to Seremby and Hogsthorpe so I resolved to take another situation and answered an advertisement and gained the post before I said a word about it to my Mother, for she didn't wish me to go away as I was useful to her.

The situatior was at Brant Broughton near Newark and in the family of a surgeon, Mr. Martin. I had 3 children of his, and 3 of a neighbouring gentleman a Mr. Shaw. I liked the premy village and the life well enough and got on splendidly. On my leaving in the surrmer after the fust half-year, my Mother proposed to give my 3 sisters a great treat and take therr to Lincola to meet me there and for us to spend a week or so seeing the fine Cathedral and other notable sights before returning home, which had changed its locality during my half year's absence.

It had been found necessary and advisable to quit Fotherby for now my Father and Mother and three sisters were living in the house fonner$ occupied by my Uncle Washboume Uvedale.

Before going home again, however I became acquainted in a curiously accidental way with Charles Ashton, afterwards my husband. He was one of the Lay Vicars of the Cathedral. We attended the services and all of us were especially fond of Cathedral and Church music.

I recognised at once in Mr. Ashton the singer I had once heard at a concert at Lincoln, when on my way to Brant Broughton and whose voice stmck me as the finest I had ever heard. lVe were all charmed with his singing! In the afternoon we went again and &e next moffring also.

It was necessary we should find lodgings, as an Inn was too expensive for so many. Mr Ashton had spoken to my Mcther and proposed to conduct her about the Cathedlal and show us all &e things that were to be seen, and hearing that she wanted aparftlents for the time, he kindly undertook to find the requisite rooms and did so. It was not too difficult then for him to act as chaperone about Lincoln. In shofi we became acquainted, it was resolved that my sister Aurelia should enter the excellent school of Mrs. Capp, whose scholastic establi.shment was quite famous. This was Aurelia's own desire, for she wished to make herself sufficiently competent to also leave home and take a situation as govemess and for this prupose she devoted her legacy from her Uncle to pay for her schooling. Of course this was advanced to her, for she was only seventeen. MrAshton was the Master in Music at that school

I did not return to my situation at Mr. Ma.rtin's, but remained with my Mo&er at Seremby. In the meantime my brother Robert had a littie daughter, Jane Diana, afterwards, Mrs. Henry Brown of Alford and I went often to see him and also my brother Washbourne, who still lived at Hogsthorpe, but had aparmrents in the village and took some pupils to prepare for University.


Robert had already a good extensive practice, the other surgeon in the town, named Wright having died. However his wife was ailing and very delicate and r.mable to take much care of her household or children for she soon had another child, a boy, Robert Rouway, called after the dear friend he
met in London during his studious times and who I forgot to relate, came wi& him to Alford and stayed 3 months during the last year before his departure. I read French wi& him and learnt a great deal. He was an elegant and charming man, not handsome at all, but the most fascinating man I had ever seen. He afterwards came agin to England to see my brother and me! But it was too late! For I was on the point of being married!

Well! It is no use to say anything more about this! It is ages ago, but I have not forgotten it! I had really never dared to think of such a man when I was the 17 year old girl atAlford for he was too high for me; but it seems he did think of me and when an engagement to which he had been bound, and to break off which he had originally come to London, was really at an end, he came too late as I said, for my wedding was fixed at a fororight later.

I was married at the Church at Hogsthorp from my brother's house and the ceremony was performed by my brother Wahboume, who I have reason to believe did not much approve of the match with Mr. Ashton and in truth I can say, that I would not have so hastily entered in to the marriage state, had not the state of our family affairs and the uncomfortable, wretched way of living at Seremby, the ever increasing misery of my unfortunate Father's behaviour, which entailed expenses that my Mother's income could hardly bear, made it urgent and tempting in fact, to seize the first chance to get away from it! Besides this Robert urged me to accept this offer; and Lincoln was a delightful city.

Olivia CarolineAshton nee xdhler

This is as far as the above narrative was written. The following in my Mother's handwriting, I found in L909, five years after her death in1904.

Diana ValentinaAshton

Charles Ashton was born in Lincoln on February 1st 1815, the only child of John and Mary Ashton. He received his musical education at an ear$ age when he shewed great talent for music and was gifted with such a fine voice that he was admitted into the Cathedral Choir at the age of seven years. His voice never broke in the usual mamer, but gradually changed into a high tenor of such exquisite quality that when an anthem with tenor solo was in the progralnme of the Cathedral service, crowds of the citizens could be seen toiling up the "Steep Hill" to hear Charles Ashton sing the solo. He was also engaged as the principal tenor at the many musical Festivals that were given at Yorh Birmingham and other places. On being very desirous to quit Lincoln for some Choir nearer London, he offered himself as candidate for the post of tenor at Cambridge and was elected for Trinity and Kings Colleges; but at the expiration of the 3 months notice he had to give the Lincoln Cathedrat authorities, he decided to remain there and so resigned Cambridge. At a subsequent date however, a more lucrative post became vacant at Durham Cathedral and Ashton again became a candidate and being successful, removed to that city where he lived till 1862 when he died in London and was buried at Norwood.


Olivia Caroline Kohler nee Ashton

After the dea& of my Father, Charles Ashton, our Mother was left with seven children practically destitute and the question arose as to what was to be done for only 3 of the children were grown up. Our paren6 who were married in 1837 had in all twelve children, nine of whom were girls and three boys, tvty Mother lost her first child at the age of nine months through an accident and three others in infancy. One of the sons however attained the age of nineteen years and was studying for the medical profession in London, when he accidentally suffocated while experimenting witlt chlorofoim which was a new drug at that time. His death occurred on the 7th December 186L and was such a shock to oru family, that our Father's health which hitherto had been excellent, began from that time onwards to fail and he only survived his son for seven months, dying himself on July 11th 1862 at the house of our Grandmother West.

All the children were more or less musical and the eldest daughter Diana was sent at the age of sixteen to study piano at the Conservatorium of Music at Leipzig in 1856 where she remained for three years. She was a very fine pianist and was a credit to the Conservatorium having studied there underthe most distinguished master, She returned home in 1859 and gave some concerts and began


After our Father's death in 1-862, as all except the three eldest children required educating, it was decided to leave Durham and go to Leipzig where living and education was at that time much cheaper &an in England.

The Revered Washbourne West, our Mother's brother agreed to thls plan and assisted with all the expenses. So inApril 1863 the whole fam,ly with the exception of Diana, left Durham for Leipzig. The children who went with &eir Mother were:

Rosa agedl7 Florence aged 15

Madeline aged 13 Olivia aged L1 Lucy aged9 Algernon aged 3

We all liked the life in Germany very much and soon learnt &e language. Florence who was a clever girl and was well educated undertook the further education in English of the three younger sisters and later on Lury and Algernon went to a German school.


In 1866 Rosa, who had a fine mezzo-soprano voice and had studied at the Conservatorium, married Gustav Wolff, a good musician and composer whose Father was a wealthy Banker in Berlin. He \dert to Bradford on the advice and recommendation of Professor Moscheles and remained there till his Father's death 18 years later They had ten children, four of whom died young' They were:

Charles who died at the age of B years Perry who died at the age of 3 months Diana born in 1869
Percy died in 1869 aged 1-3 years

(and also) Lilian Madeline Harold Leonara Norman 15

Florence married in 1873 Otto Westerberg a Swede and &ey had 5 children:

(A daughter) Madeline born in L874 she married Emil Olsen, a Norwegian and had one daughter, Ellen.


mairied in 1886 Hjalmar Petre, a Swede of high family who was at one time a very rich man, but lost his fornrne which consisted in iron mines, u*ren Bessemer steel was produced which killed the Swedish nade iron.

Olivia Caroline

Olivia Ashton married in 1875 Edward f6Her, a merchant in Leipzig and had one daughter born in Leipzig inAugusr 12*r 1876. Edward ftbhler died in 1886 and his widow left Leipzig and came wittr trer daughter, Olivia Christine, to live with her Mother and brother, the two latter having left Leipzig and settled in London 4 years previously. (1882)

Olivia Kdhler was a clever girl and gained a scholarship at Girton College, Cambridge where she took her degree in classics and studied for 4 yeaff. After leaving Cambridge, she went to Athens and studied archeology for 6 months. On returning to London she gave her services to Morley College and did some teaching preparing a boy for Eton and also devoted her spare time to teaching poor iripples in the slums of East End and helping them in many ways. She married in L905, thartes Smirh, a Clerk in the Civil Service at Somerset House and they had 4 children:

Richard Charles Washbourne Smith born in 1906 (Known as "Pen") who went toAustralia in 1"922 where he is now living in Perrh WesternAustralia and married in 1932 Marjorie Cummings of Scouish parerts. They have one son, Roger, nearly 2 years born in 1934 on May 31st. (A further son Lindsay was born.)

Oliver Evelyn Morley Smith bom June 2nd 191L. At present in &e BritishArmy Tank Corps. ( He married Joan but had no children. Known as "Pidge")

Margaret Cicely Langron Smith born 16th July 1913 in London. Married in 1932 Dr. Herbert Greene. They have one daughter Heather born 28 January 1934 and Sally Francis bom 24 August 1936.

Helen Sybil Uvedale Smi& born 1-3 October 1916 Maried Charles Beaumont but soon divorced. Married John Hodgson solicitor in Inland Revenue Somerset House. They had no children

The Mother, Olivia Christine, of these four children died at Sheringham at the age of 47 on L8th July 1923.


Lucy Ashton married Oscar Wolff, a brother of Gustav Wolff, n L877 and he lvas a Banker in his Father's firm in Berlin. They had four children:

Charles Herbert Madeline Diana


OscarWolff died in Berlin during the War of 1914-1918 and after the war his widow left Germany and came to England with her older daughter and 2 Grandchildren but they returned to Germany in L927 andlived at Schewerin in Mecklenburg.

Lucy Wolff died in 1933. AlgernonAshton (Heather Rutt's note)

Algernon Ashton began his musical education at seven and attended the Conservatorium from 1875 to 1879 and also studied in Frankfurt. He returned to England in 1882 and in 1885 was appointed Professor of Pianoforte at the RoyalAcademy of Music in London and in 19L3 he became Professor at the London College of Music till his retirement. He was a prolific composer and accomplished pianist but beuer known in Germany than Englaad. He published two books "Truth Wit and'Wlsdom" in 1903 and "More Truth, Wit and Wisdom" in 1908, both are collections of his letters to the press. He maried a student Ellen Hall and had one son, Clarence Ashton. He is buried in Paddington cemetery.


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